How to remove   from a UTF-8 string?


Solution 1

This gets tricky, its not as straight forward as replacing normal string.

Try this.

 str_replace("\xc2\xa0",' ',$str); 

or this, the above should work:

$nbsp = html_entity_decode(" ");
$s = html_entity_decode("[ ]");
$s = str_replace($nbsp, " ", $s);
echo $s;


Solution 2

Get the html entities replace the one you want and decode back:

$str = str_replace(' ', ' ', htmlentities($new));
$new = html_entity_decode($str);
Author by


After half-life programming computers in C/C++ and assembly, in 2009 I changed radically and started a new life as LAMP programmer. Now I'm in love with web programming.

Updated on January 29, 2021


  • Ivan
    Ivan over 3 years

    My database is returning some strings like:

    This is a string

    This is a problem when the string is long enough and you have maximum width set:

    <p style="width:50px">This&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;string</p>

    In order to get ride of &nbsp; entities I've tried to use the following filters without success:

    $new = preg_replace("/&nbsp;/i", " ", $str);
    $new = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $str);
    $new = html_entity_decode($str);

    You have a PHP fiddle to see this in action (I've had to codify the string in hex from the database output; the string is in spanish, sorry).

    How to deal with this? Why html_entity_decode() is not working? And what about the replace functions? Thanks.