How to remove datatable from dataset?


Solution 1

You only need this


But it would be better if you first check that DataSet contains the table which you are trying to remove. Also check if the DataTable can be removed from DataSet as pointed by Gianni B.

if(selectedData.Tables.Contains( && selectedData.Tables.CanRemove(dt))

Remove method does not return anything. It's return type is void You are trying to assign a datatable returned by Remove method while actually it doesn't return anything

Solution 2

The line which you have written

DataTable dt = selectedData.Tables.Remove(dt);

is wrong, as remove method does not return anything.

So you need to change your code as

if(selectedData != null && selectedData.Tables.Count > 0)
   DataTable dt = selectedData.Tables[0];

Solution 3

Try this:

DataTable dtDelete = new DataTable();
dtDelete = ds_RecipeData.Tables[0]
if (ds_RecipeData.Tables.Contains(dtDelete.TableName))
    if (ds_RecipeData.Tables.CanRemove(dtDelete))
laurence keith albano
Author by

laurence keith albano

A Computer Engineer. Music enthusiasts, Programmer.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • laurence keith albano
    laurence keith albano almost 2 years

    .aspx code:

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    .aspx code behind:

    using MSSQLConnector;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    namespace WebApplication1.eyeofheaven
        public partial class SearchCustomer : System.Web.UI.Page
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                MSConnector connector = new MSConnector();
                connector.ConnectionString = "SERVER=xbetasql,52292;UID=username;Password=secret;DATABASE=ATDBSQL;";
                string customer = (;
                string country = (this.Country.Value);
                string idcurrency = (this.Currency.Value);
                string query = null;
                if (country != "select")
                    if (idcurrency != "selected")
                        query = "select * from customer where country = '" + country + "' and idcurrency = '" + idcurrency + "'";
                        query = "select * from customer where country = '" + country + "'";
                DataSet selectedData = connector.ExecuteQuery(query);
                DataTable dt = selectedData.Tables[0];
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    data.DataSource = dt;
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('No Data Found.')</script>");
            protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, MSConnector connector, string query)
                DataSet selectedData = connector.ExecuteQuery(query);
                DataTable dt = selectedData.Tables.Remove(dt);
       = "";
                this.Country.Value = "select";
                this.Currency.Value = "selected";

    I have a problem in my code, I want to remove the datatable from dataset when I click on Button2_Click as a reset button for all. But I have an error in my code in here:

    DataTable dt = selectedData.Tables.Remove(dt);

    It says:

    Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'System.Data.DataTable'

    Does passing my dataset and datatable is the problem on the function Button2_Click()?

  • Chandan Kumar
    Chandan Kumar almost 9 years
    first of all you need to define your dataset outside of button1 and button2 - means centralized place. in your code, inside button1 you are defining your dataset which is unknown to button2. Then you can write this code inside button2.
  • Gianni B.
    Gianni B. almost 9 years
    I would also check if my dataset contains the table and if the table can be removed with this: if(selectedData.Tables.Contains( && selectedData.Tables.CanRemove(dt))
  • TristanK
    TristanK about 2 years
    In this case, it was right - it was just that a return code was being sought, and wasn't what was expected.