How to remove escape characters from a JSON String


After switching to use JavaScriptSerializer() to deserialize JSON string , I realized that I have an int type property in my object for a decimal value in the JSON string. I changed int to double, and this solved my problem. Both JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<> and JavaScriptSerializer() handle escape character. There's no need to remove escape character. I replaced the following codes:

jsonString = jsonString.Replace(@"\", " ");        
SearchRootObject obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchRootObject>(jsonString);
return obj;


return new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<SearchObj.RootObject>(jsonString);
Sai Wai Maung
Author by

Sai Wai Maung

Updated on November 06, 2020


  • Sai Wai Maung
    Sai Wai Maung over 3 years

    I called a REST API with the following JSON string returned:

    "{\"profile\":[{\"name\":\"city\",\"rowCount\":1,\"location\": ............

    I tried to remove escape character with the following code before I deserialize it:

     jsonString = jsonString.Replace(@"\", " ");

    But then when I deserialize it, it throws an input string was not in a correct format:

    SearchRootObject obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchRootObject>(jsonString);

    The following is the complete code:

    public static SearchRootObject obj()
            String url = Glare.searchUrl;
            string jsonString = "";
            // Create the web request  
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
            // Get response  
            var response = request.GetResponse();
            Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
            StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8);
            jsonString = jsonString + readStream.ReadToEnd();
            jsonString = jsonString.Replace(@"\", " ");
            // A C# object representation of deserialized JSON string 
            SearchRootObject obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchRootObject>(jsonString);
            return obj;