How to remove the lines which appear on file B from another file A?


Solution 1

If the files are sorted (they are in your example):

comm -23 file1 file2

-23 suppresses the lines that are in both files, or only in file 2. If the files are not sorted, pipe them through sort first...

See the man page here

Solution 2

grep -Fvxf <lines-to-remove> <all-lines>


cat <<EOF > A

cat <<EOF > B

grep -Fvxf B A




  • -F: use literal strings instead of the default BRE
  • -x: only consider matches that match the entire line
  • -v: print non-matching
  • -f file: take patterns from the given file

This method is slower on pre-sorted files than other methods, since it is more general. If speed matters as well, see: Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

Here's a quick bash automation for in-line operation:

remove-lines() (
  grep -Fvxf "$remove_lines" "$all_lines" > "$tmp_file"
  mv "$tmp_file" "$all_lines"

GitHub upstream.


remove-lines lines-to-remove remove-from-this-file

See also:

Solution 3

awk to the rescue!

This solution doesn't require sorted inputs. You have to provide fileB first.

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} !($0 in a)' fileB fileA



How does it work?

NR==FNR{a[$0];next} idiom is for storing the first file in an associative array as keys for a later "contains" test.

NR==FNR is checking whether we're scanning the first file, where the global line counter (NR) equals to the current file line counter (FNR).

a[$0] adds the current line to the associative array as key, note that this behaves like a set, where there won't be any duplicate values (keys)

!($0 in a) we're now in the next file(s), in is a contains test, here it's checking whether current line is in the set we populated in the first step from the first file, ! negates the condition. What is missing here is the action, which by default is {print} and usually not written explicitly.

Note that this can now be used to remove blacklisted words.

$ awk '...' badwords allwords > goodwords

with a slight change it can clean multiple lists and create cleaned versions.

$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} !($0 in a){print > FILENAME".clean"}' bad file1 file2 file3 ...

Solution 4

Another way to do the same thing (also requires sorted input):

join -v 1 fileA fileB

In Bash, if the files are not pre-sorted:

join -v 1 <(sort fileA) <(sort fileB)

Solution 5

You can do this unless your files are sorted

diff file-a file-b --new-line-format="" --old-line-format="%L" --unchanged-line-format="" > file-a

--new-line-format is for lines that are in file b but not in a --old-.. is for lines that are in file a but not in b --unchanged-.. is for lines that are in both. %L makes it so the line is printed exactly.

man diff

for more details


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Author by


Video quality guy and researcher, PhD student in computer science. Founder/CEO of AVEQ. I offer personal consulting and help with video encoding, especially with FFmpeg. Send a mail to werner.robitza at More info on my website.

Updated on December 21, 2021


  • slhck
    slhck over 2 years

    I have a large file A (consisting of emails), one line for each mail. I also have another file B that contains another set of mails.

    Which command would I use to remove all the addresses that appear in file B from the file A.

    So, if file A contained:


    and file B contained:


    Then file A should be left with:


    Now I know this is a question that might have been asked more often, but I only found one command online that gave me an error with a bad delimiter.

    Any help would be much appreciated! Somebody will surely come up with a clever one-liner, but I'm not the shell expert.

    • tripleee
      tripleee over 9 years
    • tripleee
      tripleee over 9 years
      Most if the answers here are for sorted files, and the most obvious one is missing, which of course isn't your fault, but that makes the other one more generally useful.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    comm -23 file1 file2 > file3 will output contents in file1 not in file2, to file3. And then mv file3 file1 would finally clear redundant contents in file1.
  • Carlos Macasaet
    Carlos Macasaet almost 9 years
    You say this will work unless the files are sorted. What problems occur if they are sorted? What if they are partially sorted?
  • twobob
    twobob over 8 years
    full marks on this. To use this on the command line in GnuWin32 in Windows replace the single nibbles with double quotes. works a treat. many thanks.
  • twobob
    twobob over 8 years
    This is tougher to use in a corner-case cross platform scenario than the other one liner. However hats off for the performance effort
  • Admin
    Admin about 8 years
    That was in response to the solution above that suggested usage of comm command. comm requires the files to be sorted, so if they are sorted you can use that solution as well. You can use this solution regardless of whether the file is sorted or not though
  • Anand Builders
    Anand Builders over 7 years
    This works but how will i be able to redirect the output to fileA in the form of A (With a new line) B
  • karakfa
    karakfa over 7 years
    I guess you mean A\nC, write to a temp file first and overwrite the original file ... > tmp && mv tmp fileA
  • Socowi
    Socowi over 6 years
    Alternatively, use comm -23 file1 file2 | sponge file1. No cleanup needed.
  • MitchellK
    MitchellK about 5 years
    Full marks in this from me too. This awk takes all of 1 second to process a file with 104,000 entries :+1:
  • Felix Rabe
    Felix Rabe about 5 years
    Man page link is not loading for me – alternative:
  • Felix Rabe
    Felix Rabe about 5 years
    @Socowi What is sponge? I don't have that on my system. (macos 10.13)
  • Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov
    Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov about 5 years
    @FelixRabe, well, that's tiresome. Replaced with your link. Thanks
  • Socowi
    Socowi about 5 years
    @FelixRabe sponge is a program that fully consumes stdin before writing it to a file. On linux it is usually installed from a package called moreutils.
  • Peter Nowee
    Peter Nowee over 4 years
    When using this in scripts, make sure to first check that fileB is not empty (0 bytes long), because if it is, you will get an empty result instead of the expected contents of fileA. (Cause: FNR==NR will apply to fileA then.)
  • Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov
    Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov about 4 years
    All of these were already given in other answers. Your grep one needs a -F, or you'll get odd results when the lines look like regexps
  • 4b0
    4b0 about 3 years
    It's good practice on StackOverflow to add an explanation as to why your solution should work.
  • tripleee
    tripleee about 3 years
    This doesn't really add anything over the accepted answer, except perhaps the tangential tip on how to use a process substitution to sort files which aren't already sorted.
  • Tomme
    Tomme almost 3 years
    Did not work for me at all :-( All duplicate lines are still present in the output.
  • Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov
    Alexander Aleksandrovič Klimov almost 3 years
    @Jeroen-bartEngelen, did you sort the files first? It certainly works (comm has been around for 40+ years...)
  • Tomme
    Tomme almost 3 years
    @TheArchetypalPaul I figured it out. It was line-endings. It's always line-endings in Linux :-) I edited and sorted both files on my Windows desktop, but for some reason the line-endings were saved differently. Dos2unix helped.