How to rename many variables with string suffixes


Solution 1

There is no need here to invoke regular expressions. You have the new suffixes; the prefix pkg is always the same, so the labour of extracting it repeatedly is unnecessary. The heart of the problem is cycling over two lists at once. Here is one way to fix your code.

local croplist mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric
local j = 1 
foreach x of varlist pkg* {
    local sffx : word `j' of `croplist' 
    rename `x' pkg`sffx'
    label var pkg`sffx' "Avg district level `sffx' price"
    local ++j 

Note also rename in Stata 12+ can handle this; regexr() is a function, not a command; a more general discussion in (a little out-of-date, but relevant on the main issue); you have too many quotation marks on your rename command, so it wouldn't work.

EDIT 30 July 2018

I tend now more often to use gettoken:

local croplist mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric
foreach x of varlist pkg* {
    gettoken sffx croplist: croplist
    rename `x' pkg`sffx'
    label var pkg`sffx' "Avg district level `sffx' price"

The local macro croplist is a stack. Each time around the loop we take the top item from the stack and leave the rest for the next time. Each time around the loop

Solution 2

Here is another way to do it. tokenize puts separate words in macros numbered 1 up. The nested reference ``j'' is handled just in elementary algebra: evaluate the inside macro reference first.

tokenize "mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric" 
forval j = 1/9 {
    rename pkg`j' pkg``j''
    label var pkg``j'' "Avg district level ``j'' price"

Solution 3

Ben asked in a comment about incrementing counters held in local macros.

Stata's local macros are in general for holding strings; string characters can be numeric, so holding numbers is a special case, but naturally a very useful one. This thread alone has shown several examples. It helps to hold that history in mind. A longstanding syntax is based on the forms

local macname <contents> 


local macname = <expression> 

The first form copies to macname while the second form evaluates before assigning the results to macname. The main way to increment counters was for several versions

local j = `j' + 1 

but the syntax

local ++j 

is now allowed. However, although allowed

local j++ 

won't work as you may expect, although what happens is consistent with the first syntax for macros.

So, if this looks a little odd given your background, that's understandable, but local macros were intended for string processing, not arithmetic. Mata is much more mainstream-like in this regard.

I wrote a tutorial on loops and macros in

Cox, N.J. 2002. How to face lists with fortitude. Stata Journal 2(2): 202-222

which is accessible to all at

Solution 4

As of Stata 12+, rename can handle this case in several ways.

This method creates a new macro new_croplist containing variable names pkgmz pkggmz pkgsp pkgsptc pkgmil pkgcof pkgsuk pkgtea pkgric, then uses rename to rename variables following the pattern pkg<digits> to the names specified in new_croplist. The numbers following pkg do not need to be consecutive.

local croplist mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric
local new_croplist
foreach name of local croplist {
    local new_croplist `new_croplist' pkg`name'
rename pkg# (`new_croplist')

A second method uses the new rename function twice; as before, this does not require consecutive numbers in the original names. The first command renames variables of the pattern pkg<digits> to the names specified in croplist. The second command adds the prefix pkg to the new variable names.

rename pkg# (`croplist')
rename (`croplist') pkg=

In both cases, and in general when using the rename command (referred to as rename group in Stata's documentation), the number of old variable names must match the number of new variable names, so make sure that the number of variables matched by pkg# matches the number of new names specified in `croplist'.

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • ben
    ben almost 2 years

    In Stata, I have a set of variables that all begin with pkg. In their current state, their endings are numeric: pkg1, pkg2, pkg3, pkg4 and so on.

    I need to change all of these variables' endings to strings: pkgmz, pkggmz, pkgsp, pkgsptc etc.

    I have a column of these string endings, which I can designate as a local list.

    For example:

    local croplist mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric

    How do I change the numeric endings to the string endings?

    My guess at the code can be found below and the ??? indicate where I am stumped:

    local croplist crops mz gmz sp sptc mil cof suk tea ric
    foreach x of varlist pkg* {
        local new1 = substr(`x', 1, 3)
        local new2 = ???
        rename `x' ``new1'`new2''
        label var ``new1'`new2'' "Avg district level `new2' price"

    I wonder if it would be better to utilize the regexr() command, but can't think of a way to include it.

    Any help is appreciated.