How to replace substring in mongodb document


Solution 1{mediaContainer:"ContainerS3"}).forEach(function(e,i) {

Solution 2


  • starting Mongo 4.2, db.collection.updateMany (alias of db.collection.update) can accept an aggregation pipeline, finally allowing the update of a field based on its own value.
  • starting Mongo 4.4, the new aggregation operator $replaceOne makes it very easy to replace part of a string.
// { URL: "" }
// { URL: "" }
  { URL: { $regex: /helloWorldt/ } },
    $set: { URL: {
      $replaceOne: { input: "$URL", find: "helloWorldt", replacement: "helloWorld" }
// { URL: "" }
// { URL: "" }
  • The first part ({ URL: { $regex: /helloWorldt/ } }) is the match query, filtering which documents to update (the ones containing "helloWorldt") and is just there to make the query faster.
  • The second part ($set: { URL: {...) is the update aggregation pipeline (note the squared brackets signifying the use of an aggregation pipeline):
    • $set is a new aggregation operator (Mongo 4.2) which in this case replaces the value of a field.
    • The new value is computed with the new $replaceOne operator. Note how URL is modified directly based on the its own value ($URL).

Before Mongo 4.4 and starting Mongo 4.2, due to the lack of a proper string $replace operator, we have to use a bancal mix of $concat and $split:

  { URL: { $regex: "/helloWorldt/" } },
    $set: { URL: {
      $concat: [
        { $arrayElemAt: [ { $split: [ "$URL", "/helloWorldt/" ] }, 0 ] },
        { $arrayElemAt: [ { $split: [ "$URL", "/helloWorldt/" ] }, 1 ] }

Solution 3

Currently, you can't use the value of a field to update it. So you'll have to iterate through the documents and update each document using a function. There's an example of how you might do that here: MongoDB: Updating documents using data from the same document

Solution 4

Using mongodump,bsondump and mongoimport.

Sometimes the mongodb collections can get little complex with nested arrays/objects etc where it would be relatively difficult to build loops around them. My work around is kinda raw but works in most scenarios regardless of complexity of the collection.

1. Export The collection using mongodump into .bson

mongodump --db=<db_name> --collection=<products> --out=data/

2. Convert .bson into .json format using bsondump

bsondump --outFile products.json data/<db_name>/products.bson

3. Replace the strings in the .json file with sed(for linux terminal) or with any other tools

sed -i 's/oldstring/newstring/g' products.json

4. Import back the .json collection with mongoimport with --drop tag where it would remove the collection before importing

mongoimport --db=<db_name>  --drop --collection products <products.json

Alternatively you can use --uri for connections in both mongoimport and mongodump


mongodump --uri "mongodb://mongoadmin:[email protected]:27017,," --collection=products --out=data/

Solution 5

To replace ALL occurrences of the substring in your document use:{mediaContainer:"ContainerS3"}).forEach(function(e,i) {
var find = "//";
var re = new RegExp(find, 'g');
Author by


Software Engineer with over 3 years of industry experience.

Updated on July 09, 2020


  • user1071979
    user1071979 almost 4 years

    I have a lot of mongodb documents in a collection of the form:


    I want to replace helloWorldt with helloWorld to get:


    How can I achieve this for all documents in my collection?

  • Aman
    Aman almost 7 years
    can you please elaborate it? how it is working what is the mean of the code? for other users too?
  • Himel Nag Rana
    Himel Nag Rana over 6 years
    Just awesome. My case was - I have a field which is an array - so I had to add an extra loop. My query is: db.getCollection("profile").find({"photos": {$ne: "" }}).forEach(function(e,i) {, j) { url = url.replace("", "");[j] = url; }); db.getCollection("profile").save(e); eval(printjson(e)); })
  • JMess
    JMess about 6 years
    @doe "e" here represents a copy of each document found. That copy has its value for url (it is case sensitive, note that this is not the same as the question asker's "url") updated based upon its original value for url. "e" keeps all of its original fields with the one modified field. Saving e back into the collection overwrites the original "e". There is no need for "i" here and it can be removed from the function declaration.
  • Pirai Sudie
    Pirai Sudie over 5 years
    please explain for other user too??
  • Paul
    Paul over 5 years
    The vars don't need to be in the loop so put them before.
  • Arthur Tacca
    Arthur Tacca about 5 years
    Surely it would be possible to just update the one field that has changed rather than reading and writing back the whole document?
  • Hassan Faghihi
    Hassan Faghihi almost 5 years
    i think it's last resolve to my… question :(
  • Mirko
    Mirko over 4 years
    The vars should be const.
  • dimid
    dimid almost 4 years
    Thanks, can it be used with regex in find?
  • dhalfageme
    dhalfageme almost 4 years
    Thanks, are the slashes ("/") rerquired on the replacement ?
  • David Siegal
    David Siegal over 3 years
    @dhalfageme I see confusion in the latter example. The forward slashes following the $regex operator (i.e. $regex: "/helloWorldt/") are regular expression delimeters, which are required. Everywhere else in the example, the forward slashes are URL path delimiters, and are likely not necessary. They'd only be necessary if the OP had URLs with a path including /helloWorldthirsty/ that they wanted to keep.
  • user3181125
    user3181125 over 2 years
    is there any way to replace partial substring of a large binary string in mongodb ?
  • rugby2312
    rugby2312 about 2 years
    This is particularly helpful on the older MongoDB versions like 3.6 where there are limited operators to use. thanks buddy !
  • Akash Jp
    Akash Jp about 2 years
    Kudos to Xavier for awesome explanation!
  • Akash Jp
    Akash Jp about 2 years
    This method is not the optimised approach, because it will run on javascript's single thread. If optimization is on note I would prefer Xavier's approach.