How to reset all states of ngrx/store?


Solution 1

This answer is specific to ngrx version 2. The question has another, more recent answer that explains how the same can be done with ngrx version 4.

compose builds the ngrx root reducer.

The arguments passed to compose are functions that return a reducer - composed from the reducer they themselves are passed as an argument. You can compose the resetting of your store like this:

import { compose } from "@ngrx/core/compose";


bootstrap(App, [
      (reducer: Function) => {
        return function(state, action) {
          if (action.type === 'USER_LOGOUT') {
            state = undefined;
          return reducer(state, action);
      router: routerReducer,
      foo: fooReducer,
      bar: barReducer

Note that this will reset all of the store's state - including the router. If that's not what you want, you could tweak the example.

With introduction of NgModule the bootstrapping has changed, but you still pass the composed reducer to provideStore:

import { compose } from "@ngrx/core/compose";
import { StoreModule } from "@ngrx/store";

    imports: [

Solution 2

In ngrx/store 4.x, this can be accomplished with Meta-reducers. As I understand it, all actions are passing through the metareducers before being handed over to the feature reducers. This gives us the opportunity to change/reset the state first.

Here's an example.

This is my metareducer function: in case the action is of type LOGOUT, the state is re-initialized.

function logout(reducer) {
  return function (state, action) {
    return reducer(action.type === LOGOUT ? undefined : state, action);

Below you see how the metareducer is configured along with the feature reducers. Should there be more than 1 metareducer, then they are evaluated from right to left

StoreModule.forRoot({rooms: roomReducer, user: userReducer}, {metaReducers: [logout]})

Finally, I also have an @effect where I navigate to the login page

@Effect({dispatch: false}) logout: Observable<Action> = 
  .do(() => {
    // ... some more stuff here ...
    this.router.navigate(['/login page'])

Solution 3

With @ngrx/store": "^4.0.3" this is slightly different because there are small changes, so my 'clear state' looks like this

import { ActionReducerMap } from '@ngrx/store';
import { ActionReducer, MetaReducer } from '@ngrx/store';

export const rootReducer: ActionReducerMap<StoreStates> = {
  points: pointsReducer,

export function clearState(reducer: ActionReducer<StoreStates>): ActionReducer<StoreStates> {
  return function(state: StoreStates, action: Action): StoreStates {
    if (action.type === 'CLEAR_STATE') {
      state = undefined;
    return reducer(state, action);
export const metaReducers: MetaReducer<StoreStates>[] = [clearState];


import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { metaReducers, rootReducer } from '../root.reducer';

export const imports: any = [
   StoreModule.forRoot(rootReducer, { metaReducers }),

Solution 4

This isn't really an answer but the comments won't let me format it correctly. To add to what cartant said, if you are setting up your types like this:

export const ActionTypes = {
  LOGOUT:  type('[Environment] Logout of portal'),

It's the long description that you should use. Also if you name your root reducer rootReducer instead of just reducer then you would change that as well. Following is an edited example:

(I left this function within my root reducer)

const developmentReducer: ActionReducer<State> = compose(...DEV_REDUCERS,
(rootReducer: Function) => {
    return function(state, action) {
      if (action.type === '[Environment] Logout of portal') {
        state = undefined;
      return rootReducer(state, action);
  }, combineReducers)(reducers);

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Hongbo Miao
Author by

Hongbo Miao

Updated on September 10, 2021


  • Hongbo Miao
    Hongbo Miao over 2 years

    I am using Angular 2 with ngrx/store. I want to reset the whole store states when user dispatch USER_LOGOUT.

    I read the Dan Abramov's answer of How to reset the state of a Redux store?, but I didn't figure out how to write rootReducer correctly and where to put it when using ngrx/store.

    Or is there any other way to handle this in ngrx/store?

    bootstrap(App, [
            router: routerReducer,
            foo: fooReducer,
            bar: barReducer
  • Daskus
    Daskus over 7 years
    How would I do this in the current version of ngrx?
  • cartant
    cartant over 7 years
    @Daskus You pass the composed reducer to StoreModule.provideStore. See the updated answer.
  • fubbe
    fubbe over 6 years
    This should be the accepted answer as for now 4.x has some changes.
  • misaizdaleka
    misaizdaleka over 6 years
    How do you do this with productionReducer?
  • AndreaM16
    AndreaM16 over 6 years
    @cartant how to do this on latest ngrx version using forRoot and forFeature? I'm following you on, I would appreciate an article on this.
  • cartant
    cartant over 6 years
    @AndreaM16 See the answer from David Bulté, below.
  • user2960993
    user2960993 almost 6 years
    How is this going to work when the app is organized into modules (with lazy loading), and each of the module has its own feature state?
  • Whisher
    Whisher almost 6 years
    It works with lazy loading as well, I mean I've got all my feature module lazy loading but the service and the store are in a shared module that I put in the app module
  • Whisher
    Whisher almost 6 years
    BTW the CLEAR_STATE action in my case is LOGOUT ACTION)
  • alsami
    alsami over 4 years
    This is still perfectly valid with Angular 8 and Ngrx-8.