How to retrieve list of child tasks from a Product Backlog Item in TFS API?


As a standard, team project in MSF Agile comes with a set of queries. Take a look at 'Work Items' -> 'Iteration 1' -> 'Iteration Backlog'.

Saving this query as WIQL file in your disk is absolutely possible.
Using it as a modified wiqlQuery should relieve you from a lot of the filtering you do.

EDIT (in response to comment: "Ok, I did that, but the query doesn't mention the relationship between parent and linked (child) items"):

I opened the WIQL of a default "Iteration Backlog":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WorkItemQuery Version="1">
  <Wiql>SELECT [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title],
  [System.State], [System.AssignedTo],
  [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity], [System.IterationPath],
  [System.AreaPath] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE
  (Source.[System.TeamProject] = @project and
  Source.[System.AreaPath] under @project and
  Source.[System.IterationPath] under '****\Iteration 1' and
  (Source.[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' or
  Source.[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task')) and
  [System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward'
  and Target.[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task' ORDER BY
  [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] mode(Recursive)</Wiql>

The part of the query that retrieves the related items should be this

[System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward'
Padu Merloti
Author by

Padu Merloti

Curious learner. Family lover. Air faller. Robot maker. Software developer.

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Padu Merloti
    Padu Merloti almost 2 years

    Given a certain product backlog id, I want to programmatically retrieve a list of tasks that are child to the PBI.

    I am aware that there's not one field in the task that says "Parent PBI Id". I have a version of code that is working, but that's really really slow, since I have do perform part of my filtering int the client.

    See how I'm currently doing:

    string wiqlQuery =
            "Select ID, [Remaining Work], State " +
            "from WorkItems " +
            "where (([Work Item Type] = 'Task')" +
            " AND ([Iteration Path] = '{0}' )" +
            " AND (State <> 'Removed')" +
            " AND (State <> 'Done')) ",
            sprint, storyId);
    // execute the query and retrieve a collection of workitems
    WorkItemCollection workItems = wiStore.Query(wiqlQuery);
    if (workItems.Count <= 0)
        return null;
    var result = new List<TaskViewModel>();
    foreach (WorkItem workItem in workItems)
        var relatedLink = workItem.Links[0] as RelatedLink;
        if (relatedLink == null) continue;
        if (relatedLink.RelatedWorkItemId != storyId) continue;
        Field remWorkField = (from field in workItem.Fields.Cast<Field>()
                              where field.Name == "Remaining Work"
                              select field).FirstOrDefault();
        if (remWorkField == null) continue;
        if (remWorkField.Value == null) continue;
        var task = new TaskViewModel
            Id = workItem.Id,
            ParentPbi = relatedLink.RelatedWorkItemId,
            RemainingWork = (double) remWorkField.Value,
            State = workItem.State
    return result;
  • Padu Merloti
    Padu Merloti over 12 years
    I'm using the Scrum template, but I think I know what you're talking about. In my case I have a "Sprint Backlog" query that does what I want, but I don't see any way to save it to disk or how to see the string query that is being used. It is a query of type "Tree of Work Items"
  • pantelif
    pantelif over 12 years
    I myself wasn't aware of this as well, and caught it in this thread…. Once you have saved the file you can open it in any editor and copy the WIQL query in your C#
  • Padu Merloti
    Padu Merloti over 12 years
    Ok, I did that, but the query doesn't mention the relationship between parent and linked (child) items
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    i can't find LinkType in he fields col. @PaduMerloti
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    @pantelif can't find LinkType