How to return only the Date from a SQL Server DateTime datatype


Solution 1

SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @your_date))

for example


gives me

2008-09-22 00:00:00.000


  • No varchar<->datetime conversions required
  • No need to think about locale

Solution 2

SQLServer 2008 now has a 'date' data type which contains only a date with no time component. Anyone using SQLServer 2008 and beyond can do the following:


Solution 3

If using SQL 2008 and above:

select cast(getdate() as date)

Solution 4

DATEADD and DATEDIFF are better than CONVERTing to varchar. Both queries have the same execution plan, but execution plans are primarily about data access strategies and do not always reveal implicit costs involved in the CPU time taken to perform all the pieces. If both queries are run against a table with millions of rows, the CPU time using DateDiff can be close to 1/3rd of the Convert CPU time!

To see execution plans for queries:

set showplan_text on


Although the CONVERT solution is simpler and easier to read for some, it is slower. There is no need to cast back to DateTime (this is implicitly done by the server). There is also no real need in the DateDiff method for DateAdd afterward as the integer result will also be implicitly converted back to DateTime.

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, MyDate, 101) FROM DatesTable

  |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1004]=CONVERT(varchar(30),[TEST].[dbo].[DatesTable].[MyDate],101)))
       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([TEST].[dbo].[DatesTable]))

SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, MyDate)) FROM DatesTable

  |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1004]=dateadd(day,(0),CONVERT_IMPLICIT(datetime,datediff(day,'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000',CONVERT_IMPLICIT(datetime,[TEST].[dbo].[DatesTable].[MyDate],0)),0))))
       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([TEST].[dbo].[DatesTable]))

Using FLOOR() as @digi suggested has performance closer to DateDiff, but is not recommended as casting the DateTime data type to float and back does not always yield the original value.

Remember guys: Don't believe anyone. Look at the performance statistics, and test it yourself!

Be careful when you're testing your results. Selecting many rows to the client will hide the performance difference because it takes longer to send the rows over the network than it does to perform the calculations. So make sure that the work for all the rows is done by the server but there is no row set sent to the client.

There seems to be confusion for some people about when cache optimization affects queries. Running two queries in the same batch or in separate batches has no effect on caching. So you can either expire the cache manually or simply run the queries back and forth multiple times. Any optimization for query #2 would also affect any subsequent queries, so throw out execution #1 if you like.

Here is full test script and performance results that prove DateDiff is substantially faster than converting to varchar.

Solution 5

Try this:


The above statement converts your current format to YYYY/MM/DD, please refer to this link to choose your preferable format.

Eddie Groves
Author by

Eddie Groves

Software dude in Newcastle, Australia.

Updated on July 21, 2022


  • Eddie Groves
    Eddie Groves almost 2 years

    Returns: 2008-09-22 15:24:13.790

    I want that date part without the time part: 2008-09-22 00:00:00.000

    How can I get that?

    • Ben Hoffstein
      Ben Hoffstein almost 16 years
      One thing to note is that SQL Server 2008 includes a separate DATE datatype for storing just dates without the time component. More info here:‌​x
    • ErikE
      ErikE almost 12 years
      Don't miss this post showing performance testing results of the various time-removal methods.
    • Adir D
      Adir D over 10 years
      @Martin weird, thanks, let's try again.
    • Rohit Vipin Mathews
      Rohit Vipin Mathews over 10 years
      Don't be mislead by the votes and accepted answer, Take a look at
    • hktegner
      hktegner over 10 years
      @Rohit not everyone has SQL Server 2008 or later.
    • Rohit Vipin Mathews
      Rohit Vipin Mathews over 10 years
      @hktegner - it must be misleading for those who have. Also there is one version below 2008 (ie:2005) where as after it we have 4 and counting.
    • hktegner
      hktegner over 10 years
      @Rohit You are incorrectly assuming that 2008 is the only version people care about. (There are more versions in the wild.) The votes speak for themselves.
    • eaglei22
      eaglei22 over 4 years
      For future readers:… is also useful for getting the correct format when using convert.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 3 years
      SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @your_date))
  • Eddie Groves
    Eddie Groves almost 16 years
    This returns '2008/09/22' for me
  • Eddie Groves
    Eddie Groves almost 16 years
    Is this way better or worse performance wise than using the convert methods other have suggested? Or is it negligible?
  • Eddie Groves
    Eddie Groves almost 16 years
    These methods are all great, but which single one do you suggest using?
  • aku
    aku almost 16 years
    My method works faster. It doesn't require conversions to varchar and allows efficient date calculations
  • Dane
    Dane almost 16 years
    +1 Looks like this one is 35% faster than the double convert() method commonly used (which I also have used for years). Nice one.
  • Cade Roux
    Cade Roux almost 16 years
    If this is 35% than the CONVERT method, you've got to wonder how much faster a built-in truncate would be - this has to be the most common datetime-related operation I ever do - I'm going to see about switching to this mechanism.
  • aku
    aku almost 16 years
    Ricardo C, nice investigation! What version of SQL server do you use? On MSSQL2000 method with datediff performs slightly faster for me.
  • aku
    aku almost 16 years
    Just to note, I performed test 1000.000 times. For real-world scenarios performance difference will not be noticeable, I guess
  • Ricardo C
    Ricardo C almost 16 years
    Aku, I used SQL Server 2005 Express for this test. I work on 2000 at work, and I will test it with a table with over 24 million rows and see what comes out of it.
  • Jim Birchall
    Jim Birchall almost 16 years
    The only downside I can see to your solution is that unless you know what it is doing it is a bit obtuse. Using the double convert method makes your intentions more obvious to futire code maintainers. BTW I have not downvoted you. I think I'll start using your method too. Thankyou @aku
  • Ricardo C
    Ricardo C almost 16 years
    Aku, same results. No difference in performance over ten million rows.
  • ErikE
    ErikE almost 14 years
    The claims about equal performance are not true. Of course the execution plans will be the same!!! Measuring performance on these MUST be done by comparing CPU usage, not examining execution plans.
  • ErikE
    ErikE almost 14 years
    +1 You may be interested to see Ricardo C's edited answer (since it is community wiki and factually incorrect, I corrected it). You also got a prop to your question.
  • ErikE
    ErikE almost 14 years
    This method is not the fastest, and also implicitly teaches people that casting dates to float is accurate, which it is not. Please see this post for more detail.
  • ErikE
    ErikE almost 14 years
    Also don't miss this post showing performance testing results.
  • misteraidan
    misteraidan almost 13 years
    There is also the 'time' data type in SQL2008 which answers the other half of the question of separating date and time.
  • ErikE
    ErikE almost 12 years
    @pilavdzice Setting a datetime to midnight of that day does LEAVE OFF THE TIME. What result are you expecting? The datetime data type cannot have no time at all. I think you are confusing data storage with user presentation. If all you want is a way to show a user a string that has no time portion (not zeroes, just blanks) then you simply want Convert(varchar(30), @Date, 101) or something similar. See SQL Server Books Online • Cast and Convert for more info.
  • Fredrick Gauss
    Fredrick Gauss over 11 years
    Msg 243, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Type date is not a defined system type.
  • abatishchev
    abatishchev over 11 years
    @FredrickGauss: What type, Date? What version of SQL Server do you use?
  • Andrew Lazarus
    Andrew Lazarus over 11 years
    Except, say, if you want a query that retrieves all records matching a user-supplied date as the date-part of a certain time field. Good luck doing that only in the presentation layer. (You don't need convert, you can can use date arithmetic, but you get the idea…)
  • N t
    N t about 11 years
    Worth noting that this does not extend to aggregating monthly, or yearly data. You have to alter the terms in order for that to work. SELECT DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm, 0, @YourDate),0) is extensible for mm/yy iirc
  • Praveen
    Praveen about 11 years
    @aku Is there a way to get only Datepart as "2008-09-22" and not "2008-09-22 00:00:00.000" without converting it into VARCHAR. Now I'm using CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @dateTime, 101) AS MyDate
  • Magnus
    Magnus about 11 years
    @user1671639 the datetime data type always contains both a date and a time, you can't sensibly store one without the other - unless you're using SQL Server 2008, in which case there are also separate 'date' and 'time' data types. If you use CONVERT() like that, you really want a string for later use, so you'll be stuck doing it like that - although it'd be better if you used date formatting functions instead of cutting the date off - or via CAST(... AS DATE) or CONVERT(DATE, ...), which has been mentioned quite often on this very page.
  • Flea
    Flea almost 11 years
    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),101) is mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • aruno
    aruno almost 11 years
    if you're sorting based on the raw text value (outside of the DB) then the 'japanese' format is better
  • Adir D
    Adir D over 10 years
    @Andrew why does that matter? You say WHERE col >= @Date AND col < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Date); - there is absolutely no reason to strip time from the column.
  • Andrew Lazarus
    Andrew Lazarus over 10 years
    @AaronBertrand That only works assuming the input @Date has a zero time part. In case that isn't true, you still need to know how to truncate times server-side. I agree with this answer that formatting should be left to the presentation layer, but I didn't agree with an implication that leaving that for the front end means you don't have to know a quick way to truncate.
  • Adir D
    Adir D over 10 years
    @Andrew all you have to do is make the input parameter DATE. My point is still that you should never have to apply any such truncation to the column, even though that is most people's first instinct.
  • Andrew Lazarus
    Andrew Lazarus over 10 years
    @AaronBertrand and that assumes you have control over the datatype of the parameter. Fine in a stored procedure, not so possible in other situations. Why not cast to be sure the parameter is the type you want and need?
  • Adir D
    Adir D over 10 years
    @Andrew again, that's fine. My point - AGAIN - is that you should never have to cast the column. Please read.
  • Bohemian
    Bohemian over 10 years
    This returns me date with zero time, not just date
  • Mahesh ML
    Mahesh ML over 10 years
    can i know which version if sql server you are using?
  • Marek
    Marek about 10 years
    @MaheshML it returns both date and time in MS SQL 2012.
  • Martín Coll
    Martín Coll about 10 years
    Works like a charm in SQL Azure
  • UnhandledExcepSean
    UnhandledExcepSean almost 10 years
    FYI, I benchmarked different methods of trimming off time from dates and this was the fastest method. Granted the difference was small, but it was clearly faster over a large # of executions.
  • Michael
    Michael almost 10 years
    Note that the "correct" version of the top two is select dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0), because the dds can then be swapped out for any of the datepart keywords to clip the date at any segment you choose. (Also note that dd is just an abbreviation for day.)
  • Michael
    Michael almost 10 years
    I recommend changing the answer to SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @your_date), 0) because then dd can be swapped out for any other datepart keyword to truncate your datetime at an arbitrary level.
  • Andriy M
    Andriy M over 9 years
    This suggestion has been covered by other answers (more than once).
  • Nick
    Nick almost 9 years
    Beware! declare @date1 datetime = '2015-09-30 20:59:59.999'; select cast(@date1 as date) returns '2015-10-01'
  • Nick
    Nick almost 9 years
    @abatishchev sorry, that should have been declare @date1 datetime = '2015-09-30 23:59:59.999';select cast(@date1 as date)
  • abatishchev
    abatishchev almost 9 years
    @Nick: this is the issue with DateTime. use DateTime2 instead and it works fine.!6/9eecb7/2833
  • Dr. MAF
    Dr. MAF over 8 years
    wt about sqlserver 2005??
  • Frédéric
    Frédéric over 8 years
    @Nick, to complement abatishchev response, your @date1 is indeed 2015-10-01, due to DateTime limitations. Try without any cast to Date, it yields 2015-10-01too! declare @date1 datetime = '2015-09-30 23:59:59.999';select @date1 => 2015-10-01
  • The1nk
    The1nk over 8 years
    The question states SQL Server. This seems like MySQL?
  • NicVerAZ
    NicVerAZ over 8 years
    One of these easy to remember SQL tricks. As Mike says, only 2008 onward but, if you find a 2005 and previous DB somewhere, you may have a lot of issues :)
  • abatishchev
    abatishchev over 8 years
    @NixVerAZ I believe there are exactly 0 reasons to run SQL Server 2005 in late 2016. This is pure idiocy, isn't it? A good sign of something terribly wrong there.
  • Zack
    Zack about 8 years
    Your first example still has a time component. The point of the question was how to remove that.
  • galaxis
    galaxis about 7 years
    I like the use of the ANSI std "CAST()" - if portability is a concern (or even achievable) these days :). Also preferred if wanting to preserve precision:
  • Frosty840
    Frosty840 almost 7 years
    @Dr.MAF Completing the circle, the pre-2008 answer is here:…
  • SvenAelterman
    SvenAelterman almost 7 years
    @MaheshML There is no such thing as SQL Server 2010.
  • Luc VdV
    Luc VdV over 6 years
    @abatischchev - 1 reason that applies to more instances than you'd hold for possible: management refusing to approve the budget for updating antiques as long as someone manages to keep them running. Even SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000 is still alive. SQL Server 2005 Express: about 50 instances in my company alone (no, not mine, the one I work for).
  • Luc VdV
    Luc VdV over 6 years
    The '2015-09-30 20:59:59.999' issue doesn't seem to apply to Sql Server 2016 anymore.
  • David Faber
    David Faber over 6 years
    One can go even further with the ANSI standard by using SELECT CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATE) (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is equivalent to GETDATE()).
  • David Faber
    David Faber over 6 years
    Not only is it for Oracle, not MS SQL - it's not even correct. To get the date part only from Oracle, one would use TRUNC(SYSDATE)
  • karthik kasubha
    karthik kasubha over 5 years
    select cast(createddate as date) from table where createdate is your datetime column
  • J. Chris Compton
    J. Chris Compton about 5 years
    I expect "SQL Server 2010" means SQL Server 2008 R2 (it was released in 2010)
  • ChrisM
    ChrisM almost 5 years
    I think you have copied in 2 select statements but copied the second select inside the first select.
  • brianary
    brianary over 4 years
    select {fn current_date()} as today works for me.
  • lit
    lit over 4 years
    @brianary - That's nice, but it is not ANSI SQL.
  • brianary
    brianary over 4 years
    That's fair enough, and your answer is nicely portable, but I figured as long as we're working around T-SQL, this also works (and shows that implementing ANSI CURRENT_DATE would be trivial for MS).
  • noobprogrammer
    noobprogrammer over 4 years
    DATE is not a function dude.
  • ourmandave
    ourmandave over 3 years
    To skip the culture, the custom formats lets you set your own, e.g. FORMAT (@d, 'yyyyy-MM-dd') to get 2011-10-11.
  • Nosajimiki
    Nosajimiki almost 3 years
    To clarify... DATE() is a function in mySQL, but this question is about SQL Server. In mySQL you can use the DATE() function to extract the date from a date time element such that DATE("2021-06-15 09:34:21") returns "2021-06-15", but GETDATE() is not a mySQL function, so he is mix-matching SQL languages. The equivalent of this in mySQL would be DATE(NOW())... but mySQL makes this completely unnecessary since you can just call CURDATE() instead.
  • Nosajimiki
    Nosajimiki almost 3 years
    The last 3 are full dateTime stamps being truncated. 121 is not separated by a 'T' while the other two are. 127 is more precise when working with DATETIME2 formats, but with regular datetimes, they round to the same values; so, in a different context, these return 3 different datetime values. As for the second one, A = B can be used in slightly different ways than A AS B using other functions than this, but using these functions, they work the same. As for Convert vs Cast, Cast is a native ANSI function while Convert is SQL specific. Convert has more options but not always as performant.
  • Auspex
    Auspex almost 3 years
    I prefer this over the CONVERT() syntax as it's more standards compliant (though, of course, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
  • Aubrey Love
    Aubrey Love over 2 years
    Just my 2 cents worth, but the first SELECT statement: “select convert(getdate() as date)” does not work. The “date” and “getdate()” should have been inverted like in the code below. “SELECT CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE() )” You could also use the “CAST()” function as well. Either one will return the same results. “SELECT CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)”
  • variable
    variable over 2 years
    In SQL 2019, what is preferred - this answer or CAST or CONVERT?
  • Jeff Moden
    Jeff Moden about 2 years
    Using FORMAT in any case in SQL Server is at least 20 times slower than even some of the craziest conversions that you can think of. I'd stay away from it for everything.