How to route UDP traffic from one public IP (linux) to another public IP(Windows)


Solution 1

The following section works for TCP only (This was published before Mahendra changed the title

Install rinetd. In this program you can configure incoming port and outgoing port easily. First install the program. Then change /etc/rinetd.conf


#bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport

a.b.c.d 6667 e.f.g.h 6668

For UDP check the link below

This is from the chat discussion which actually solved the problem

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXT_IF -p udp -d $EXT_IP --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination $INTERNAL_SERVER

and make sure you also have it allowed to pass through the FORWARD chain with something like

#forward traffic
iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXT_IF -o $INT_IF -p udp -d $INTERNAL_SERVER --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
#reply traffic
iptables -A INPUT -o $EXT_IF -i $INT_IF -p udp -s $INTERNAL_SERVER --sport 53 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

Solution 2

Yes, this is called reverse NAT and is part of the IpTables capabilities of Linux. Every decent NATtins firewall does that to expose services.


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Mahendra Liya
Author by

Mahendra Liya

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 2 years

    I want to prevent direct access of my Windows Machine and want to expose some programs running on it via my Linux Machine (which again is accessible by a Public IP).

    Is there a way where-in I can configure my Linux Machine (say IP = a.b.c.d) to route all the UDP traffic which it gets at a specific port (say 6667) to my Windows Machine (say IP = e.f.g.h) at port 6668?

    Is yes, how can I implement it?


    # bindadress    bindport  connectaddress  connectport    6667   6668
    # logging information
    logfile /var/log/rinetd.log
    # uncomment the following line if you want web-server style logfile format


    I wish to route UDP traffic only.

    • David Schwartz
      David Schwartz almost 12 years
      Is the Linux machine the Windows machine's default router? Do you need replies to work too? Do you need the Windows machine to see the real source IP addresses of the UDP packets? (If the answers are "no", "yes", and "yes", you have a very hard problem.)
  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 12 years
    Can you show me a working command line for reverse NAT?
  • TomTom
    TomTom almost 12 years
    No, I dont use Linux outside of firewall appliances and I doubt the setup instructions for a MIkrotik ROuterOs installation woudld mean anything to you or be helpfull at all, sorry.
  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 12 years
    Thank you.. this looks promising and easy to configure. Before I try it on my Live IP, I'd like to test it locally. Do you think this will work on local network as well?
  • Manula Waidyanatha
    Manula Waidyanatha almost 12 years
    yes of course. I've tested it
  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 12 years
    I'm not sure what's wrong, but doesn't seem to work for me locally. I posted my conf file in the question...
  • Manula Waidyanatha
    Manula Waidyanatha almost 12 years
    Did you restart the rinetd.If not; restart it: /etc/init.d/rinetd restart
  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 12 years
    Yes, I restarted it.. doesn't work yet...
  • Manula Waidyanatha
    Manula Waidyanatha almost 12 years
    use telnet to verify the ports. ex: telnet 6667 is there a firewall in linux machine
  • Manula Waidyanatha
    Manula Waidyanatha almost 12 years
  • symcbean
    symcbean almost 12 years
  • Mahendra Liya
    Mahendra Liya almost 12 years
    somebody downvoted it without explanation, please either put your comments or upvote it.. The answer really helped!