How to save excel file in csv format?


CSV files is a text format. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values.

An Excel file (XLSX) is far more than just a string of texts, separated by commas. It has information about fonts, colors, and other things like borders and how big a cell is.

It is logical that when you save a file as CSV, you will lose everything the CSV does not support. There is no other way around it, but is almost always good enough.

See if the created CSV file can be imported in your Weka program, I bet it can.


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Ahmad Sarairah
Author by

Ahmad Sarairah

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ahmad Sarairah
    Ahmad Sarairah almost 2 years

    I am using excel 2013, and I want to save an excel file with(.xlsx) format to (csv) format without any problem, because i want to use this file in weka program, but when I tried to save it in this format I got a problem (some features in your workbook might be lost if you save it as comma separated values (.csv)) .

    The file image is attached below, but how i can attach the file in my question?.

    my excel file

  • Ahmad Sarairah
    Ahmad Sarairah almost 5 years
    i tried to import csv file in weka but i got an error .
  • LPChip
    LPChip almost 5 years
    CSV can have different layouts. For example: "a","b", "a";"b",a,b and even a {tab} b. see if weka has support for different layouts and if not, export as a different kind of CSV from excel.
  • Ahmad Sarairah
    Ahmad Sarairah almost 5 years
    When i tried to save this file with (csv) format to (arff) format using weka i got an error loading file message ( problem encountered on line :2)
  • Herb Gu _ MSFT
    Herb Gu _ MSFT almost 5 years