How to send an image directly from flask server to html?


This shows how to convert numpy array to PIL.Image and then use it with io.BytesIO to create file PNG in memory.

And then you can use send_file() to send PNG to client.

from flask import Flask, send_file
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import io

app = Flask(__name__)

raw_data = [

def image():
    # my numpy array 
    arr = np.array(raw_data)

    # convert numpy array to PIL Image
    img = Image.fromarray(arr.astype('uint8'))

    # create file-object in memory
    file_object = io.BytesIO()

    # write PNG in file-object, 'PNG')

    # move to beginning of file so `send_file()` it will read from start

    return send_file(file_object, mimetype='image/PNG')

The same way you can send it as GIF or JPG.

Shantanu Shinde
Author by

Shantanu Shinde

I am second year BTech student in Computer Science and Engineering. I love computers and have great curiosity to learn in depth the functionality and working of computers and to learn all the great things that can be achieved using them. My favorite part of Computer Science are Artificial Intelligence and Game Development. In fact gaming is what brought me close to computers and I became interested in computers through gaming, to understand how they are made.

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 2 years

    I am new to flask and am trying to make an app such an image is taken by the html and js from the webcam and then it is sent to the server with ajax request. I got this part. Then some processing is done on the image and it has to be sent back to the frontend. I know how to send data normally in flask, as in

    def function():
        return render_template("index.html", data = data)

    But in python images are in form of numpy arrays and js cannot read numpy arrays and convert it to images( atleast I don't know of any way to do that). so what is the way this can be done?

  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    I got that but how do I display the image on front end?
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    if you put <img src="/image.png"> in HTML - you can use JavaScript to insert it - then browser will automatically download and display it.
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    eventually Ajax can receive data from /image.png, encode to base64 and put all as string in `'<img src="_encoded_base64'" />
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    but how do I know the processing at backend has been completed, so I can insert the html? also which of the html should I insert, one in first comment or second?
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    I think you could do: ajax sends data to server and waits for answer, server processes data and uses send_file() to send image, ajax receives image and uses base64 to put as string in '<img src="_data_encoded_to_base64'" />
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    but how do I get the base64 in the js? I am new to flask, so don't know the details.
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    if you can, please give me an eg html code for how this works
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    I would encode it in Python and send already base64 to client
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    using Google I found that JavaScript has built-in function btoa(str) which create base64.
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    no, my question is how do I receive the base64 at the client? should I render the html again and pass it as data?
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    when you use ajax to send data then it receives data from server. So server may use send_file() to send string base64. And it insert <img> to HTML in browser. I don't remeber but with jQuery it could be $(where_to_insert).insert("<img src=...>")
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    I think you did not get my question. How do you receive the data? like, my ajax request is :$.ajax({ type:"POST", url: $SCRIPT_ROOT + '/apply_filter', data: { /*data*/ }}).done(function(){ console.log("sent");}); so how do I get the base64?
  • furas
    furas almost 5 years
    you have response from server as data in .done(function(data){...})
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    one last thing, will the data variable have the bas64 of the image? and also can the variable directly used or is it an array or dictionary?
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    I tried your way, but I am getting an error Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INVALID_URL in html
  • Shantanu Shinde
    Shantanu Shinde almost 5 years
    here is my done function .done(function(data){ var image = document.createElement("img") image.src = "data:image/png;base64," + data; document.body.appendChild(image); });