How to send data from radio buttons to Controller with Thymeleaf


According to 6.4.1 Setting and getting basic and nested properties, you should have <input> names such as priorities[camera] in generated HTML to make it work.

Try the following:

<input type="radio" th:name="${'priorities[' + item + ']'}" value="a" />
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merge keep

Updated on July 18, 2022


  • ruhungry
    ruhungry almost 2 years

    I have got an easy HTML page where I am displaying few radio buttons:

    <form action="#" th:action="@{/processForm}" th:object="${priorities}"
        <table style="width: 500px">
          <tr th:each="item : ${chosen}">
                  <label th:text="${item}">example</label>
                  <input type="radio" th:name="${'priorities[' + item + ']'}" value="a" />A
                  <input type="radio" th:name="${'priorities[' + item + ']'}" value="b" />B
                  <input type="radio" th:name="${'priorities[' + item + ']'}" value="c" />C
              <button type="submit"
                class="btn btn-xs btn-primary margin10-right paddingNew"

    Here you got what I can see:


    I would like to send this data to my controller, so I created one:

    @RequestMapping(value = "/processForm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String save(@ModelAttribute(value = "foo") ClusterParams foo,
    @ModelAttribute(value = "priorities") HashMap<String, String> priorities,
    final ModelMap m) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException,
    InterruptedException {
        for (String s : priorities.keySet()) {

    Here you can see my class Weights (removed):

    public class Weights {
        Map<String, String> priorities = new HashMap<String, String>();
        public Map<String, String> getPriorities() {
            return priorities;
        public void setPriorities(Map<String, String> priorities) {
            this.priorities = priorities;

    but I have no idea how to set the values with thymeleaf.

    I would like to get a mapping:

    camera -> B
    video -> C

    Could you help me to do that? Of course it is my idea with creating a HashMap, if there is any other solution I will change it.

    Thank you in advance