How to send email using simple SMTP commands via Gmail?


Solution 1

to send over gmail, you need to use an encrypted connection. this is not possible with telnet alone, but you can use tools like openssl

either connect using the starttls option in openssl to convert the plain connection to encrypted...

openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect -crlf -ign_eof

or connect to a ssl sockect directly...

openssl s_client -connect -crlf -ign_eof

EHLO localhost

after that, authenticate to the server using the base64 encoded username/password

AUTH PLAIN AG15ZW1haWxAZ21haWwuY29tAG15cGFzc3dvcmQ=

to get this from the commandline:

echo -ne '\[email protected]\00password' | base64

then continue with "mail from:" like in your example

example session:

openssl s_client -connect -crlf -ign_eof
[... lots of openssl output ...]
220 ESMTP m46sm11546481eeh.9
EHLO localhost at your service, []
250-SIZE 35882577
AUTH PLAIN AG5pY2UudHJ5QGdtYWlsLmNvbQBub2l0c25vdG15cGFzc3dvcmQ=
235 2.7.0 Accepted
MAIL FROM: <[email protected]>
250 2.1.0 OK m46sm11546481eeh.9
rcpt to: <[email protected]>
250 2.1.5 OK m46sm11546481eeh.9
354  Go ahead m46sm11546481eeh.9
Subject: it works

250 2.0.0 OK 1339757532 m46sm11546481eeh.9
221 2.0.0 closing connection m46sm11546481eeh.9

Solution 2

Unfortunately as I am forced to use a windows server I have been unable to get openssl working in the way the above answer suggests.

However I was able to get a similar program called stunnel (which can be downloaded from here) to work. I got the idea from but I had to change the instructions slightly. Here is what I did:

  1. Install telnet client on the windows box.
  2. Download stunnel. (I downloaded and installed a file called stunnel-4.56-installer.exe).
  3. Once installed you then needed to locate the stunnel.conf config file, which in my case I installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\stunnel
  4. Then, you need to open this file in a text viewer such as notepad. Look for [gmail-smtp] and remove the semicolon on the client line below (in the stunnel.conf file, every line that starts with a semicolon is a comment). You should end up with something like:

    client = yes
    accept =
    connect =

    Once you have done this save the stunnel.conf file and reload the config (to do this use the stunnel GUI program, and click on configuration=>Reload).

Now you should be ready to send email in the windows telnet client!
Go to Start=>run=>cmd.

Once cmd is open type in the following and press Enter:

telnet localhost 25

You should then see something similar to the following:

220 ESMTP f14sm1400408wbe.2

You will then need to reply by typing the following and pressing enter:

helo google

This should give you the following response:

250 at your service

If you get this you then need to type the following and press enter:

ehlo google

This should then give you the following response: at your service, []
250-SIZE 35651584

Now you should be ready to authenticate with your Gmail details. To do this type the following and press enter:


This should then give you the following response:

334 VXNlcm5hbWU6

This means that we are ready to authenticate by using our gmail address and password.

However since this is an encrypted session, we're going to have to send the email and password encoded in base64. To encode your email and password, you can use a converter program or an online website to encode it (for example base64 or search on google for ’base64 online encoding’). I reccomend you do not touch the cmd/telnet session again until you have done this.

For example [email protected] would become dGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20= and password would become cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Once you have done this copy and paste your converted base64 username into the cmd/telnet session and press enter. This should give you following response:

334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

Now copy and paste your converted base64 password into the cmd/telnet session and press enter. This should give you following response if both login credentials are correct:

235 2.7.0 Accepted

You should now enter the sender email (should be the same as the username) in the following format and press enter:

MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>

This should give you the following response:

250 2.1.0 OK x23sm1104292weq.10

You can now enter the recipient email address in a similar format and press enter:

RCPT TO:<[email protected]>

This should give you the following response:

250 2.1.5 OK x23sm1104292weq.10

Now you will need to type the following and press enter:


Which should give you the following response:

354  Go ahead x23sm1104292weq.10

Now we can start to compose the message! To do this enter your message in the following format (Tip: do this in notepad and copy the entire message into the cmd/telnet session):

From: Test <[email protected]>
To: Me <[email protected]>
Subject: Testing email from telnet
This is the body

Adding more lines to the body message.

When you have finished the email enter a dot:


This should give you the following response:

250 2.0.0 OK 1288307376 x23sm1104292weq.10

And now you need to end your session by typing the following and pressing enter:


This should give you the following response:

221 2.0.0 closing connection x23sm1104292weq.10
Connection to host lost.

And your email should now be in the recipient’s mailbox!

Solution 3

As no one has mentioned - I would suggest to use great tool for such purpose - swaks

# yum info swaks
Installed Packages
Name        : swaks
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 20130209.0
Release     : 3.el6
Size        : 287 k
Repo        : installed
From repo   : epel
Summary     : Command-line SMTP transaction tester
URL         :
License     : GPLv2+
Description : Swiss Army Knife SMTP: A command line SMTP tester. Swaks can test
            : various aspects of your SMTP server, including TLS and AUTH.

It has a lot of options and can do almost everything you want.

GMAIL: STARTTLS, SSLv3 (and yes, in 2016 gmail still support sslv3)

$ echo "Hello world" | swaks -4 --server --from [email protected] --to [email protected] -tls --tls-protocol sslv3 --auth PLAIN --auth-user [email protected] --auth-password 7654321 --h-Subject "Test message" --body -
=== Trying
=== Connected to
<-  220 ESMTP h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
 -> EHLO
<- at your service, []
<-  250-SIZE 35882577
<-  250-8BITMIME
<-  250-STARTTLS
<-  250-CHUNKING
<-  250 SMTPUTF8
<-  220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
=== TLS started with cipher SSLv3:RC4-SHA:128
=== TLS no local certificate set
=== TLS peer DN="/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/"
 ~> EHLO
<~ at your service, []
<~  250-SIZE 35882577
<~  250-8BITMIME
<~  250-CHUNKING
<~  250 SMTPUTF8
<~  235 2.7.0 Accepted
 ~> MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
<~  250 2.1.0 OK h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
 ~> RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
<~  250 2.1.5 OK h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
 ~> DATA
<~  354  Go ahead h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
 ~> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 09:49:03 +0000
 ~> To: [email protected]
 ~> From: [email protected]
 ~> Subject: Test message
 ~> X-Mailer: swaks v20130209.0
 ~> Hello world
 ~> .
<~  250 2.0.0 OK 1455702544 h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
 ~> QUIT
<~  221 2.0.0 closing connection h8sm76342lbd.48 - gsmtp
=== Connection closed with remote host.

YAHOO: TLS aka SMTPS, tlsv1.2

$ echo "Hello world" | swaks -4 --server --from [email protected] --to [email protected] --tlsc --tls-protocol tlsv1_2 --auth PLAIN --auth-user [email protected] --auth-password 7654321 --h-Subject "Test message" --body -
=== Trying
=== Connected to
=== TLS started with cipher TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:128
=== TLS no local certificate set
=== TLS peer DN="/C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Yahoo Inc./OU=Information Technology/"
<~  220 ESMTP ready
 ~> EHLO
<~  250-SIZE 41697280
<~  250-8 BITMIME
<~  235 2.0.0 OK
 ~> MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
<~  250 OK , completed
 ~> RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
<~  250 OK , completed
 ~> DATA
<~  354 Start Mail. End with CRLF.CRLF
 ~> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:08:28 +0000
 ~> To: [email protected]
 ~> From: [email protected]
 ~> Subject: Test message
 ~> X-Mailer: swaks v20130209.0
 ~> Hello world
 ~> .
<~  250 OK , completed
 ~> QUIT
<~  221 Service Closing transmission
=== Connection closed with remote host.

I have been using swaks to send email notifications from nagios via gmail for last 5 years without any problem.

Solution 4

Based on the existing answers, here's a step-by-step guide to sending automated e-mails over SMTP, using a GMail account, from the command line, without disclosing the password.


First, install the following software packages:

These instructions assume a Linux operating system, but should be reasonably easy to port to Windows (via Cygwin or native equivalents), or other operating system.


Save the following shell script as


# Asks for a username and password, then spits out the encoded value for
# use with authentication against SMTP servers.

echo -n "Email (shown): "
read email
echo -n "Password (hidden): "
read -s password


echo -ne $TEXT | base64

Make it executable and run it as follows:

chmod +x

When prompted, provide your e-mail address and password. This will look something like:

Email (shown): [email protected]
Password (hidden): 

Copy the last line (AGJ...==), as this will be used for authentication.


Save the following expect script as (note the first line refers to the expect program):


set address "[lindex $argv 0]"
set subject "[lindex $argv 1]"
set ts_date "[lindex $argv 2]"
set ts_time "[lindex $argv 3]"

set timeout 10
spawn openssl s_client -connect -crlf -ign_eof 

expect "220" {
  send "EHLO localhost\n"

  expect "250" {

    expect "235" {

      expect "250" {
        send "RCPT TO: <$address>\n"

        expect "250" {
          send "DATA\n"

          expect "354" {
            send "Subject: $subject\n\n"
            send "Email sent on $ts_date at $ts_time.\n"
            send "\n.\n"

            expect "250" {
                send "quit\n"

Make the following changes:

  1. Paste over YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_CODE with the authentication code generated by the authentication script.
  2. Change YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS with the e-mail address used to generate the authentication code.
  3. Save the file.

For example (note the angle brackets are retained for the e-mail address):

send "AUTH PLAIN AGJvYkBnbWFpbC5jb20AYm9iaXN0aGViZXN0cGVyc29uZXZlcg==\n"
send "MAIL FROM: <[email protected]>\n"

Lastly, make the notify script executable as follows:

chmod +x

Send E-mail

Send an e-mail from the command line as follows:

./ [email protected] "Command Line" "March 14" "15:52"
Saeed Neamati
Author by

Saeed Neamati

I love food, and I eat a lot.

Updated on August 14, 2020


  • Saeed Neamati
    Saeed Neamati almost 4 years

    For educational purposes, I need to send an email through an SMTP server, using SMTP's fundamental and simple rules.

    I was able to do that using smtp4dev. I telnet localhost 25 and and commands are:

    enter image description here

    I want to do the same thing, using Gmail SMTP server. However, it requires authentication and TLS. I can't figure out how to do that for Gmail. Here's a screenshot of telnet 587:

    enter image description here

    I searched and found many links including Wikipedia's article about STARTTLS command. But I'm not able to use TLS and authenticate to Gmail's SMTP server using command line (or sending commands myself in programming languages). Can anyone help?

  • Saeed Neamati
    Saeed Neamati about 12 years
    I installed OpenSSL, but no command has been added to command line. Where should I go to get openssl command in CMD?
  • Gryphius
    Gryphius about 12 years
    sorry, I don't know where the openssl executable is installed on windows, I use linux here.
    POOJA GUPTA over 9 years
    can we capture these smtp packets sent through command line using wireshark? because I am unable to do so.
  • codey modey
    codey modey over 9 years
    @Gryphius I get OpenSSL Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate) i.e. client authentication failed, still I am able to send an email as above, could you please explain why?
  • Gryphius
    Gryphius over 9 years
    this is not "client authentication failed", it means openssl can not verify the certificate because it doesn't know the root cert's location. add -CApath /etc/ssl/certs to make the error go away (replace /etc/ssl/certs with your distro specific path to the trusted certs if necessary)
  • pr.nizar
    pr.nizar over 8 years
    Since not everyone is using perl you can get the base64 encoded username/password with: powershell -command "[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UT‌​F8.GetBytes(\"`0myem‌​[email protected]`0mypas‌​sword\"))" (thanks to briantist)
  • E.P.
    E.P. over 8 years
    Note that this does not necessarily work as posed anymore / for everyone, particularly with Google tightening the security net around their services. I tried this today and I was told "Please log in via your web browser and then try again. Learn more at", with an email reporting an insecure connection just afterwards. Are you still able to obtain the behaviour described in your answer?
  • Gryphius
    Gryphius over 8 years
    @E.P. still works for me. I've created a new app password for this test though, don't know if that makes a difference.
  • E.P.
    E.P. over 8 years
    Huh. It's hard to be sure because gmail security varies from user to user - so this may or may not work depending on the precise settings of the account, not all of which may be readily visible to the user.
  • Pablo Vallejo
    Pablo Vallejo about 8 years
    Now Gmail required you to use an App password instead of your regular password in order to authenticate via ssl. See:
  • Ivan
    Ivan about 8 years
    The example above can still work, if one enables access for less secure apps under:
  • ZEE
    ZEE over 6 years
    Excelent job... can you post lhe code in Python also ?
  • Gryphius
    Gryphius over 6 years
    @ZEE the perl example above translates to python -c 'import base64; print base64.b64encode("\[email protected]\00mypassword")' in python. If you mean the whole process, there are lots of examples on how to send through Gmail with python.
  • kiwicomb123
    kiwicomb123 over 6 years
    You need to disable Gmail 2-step verification and set "Allow less secure apps: ON" in the settings for this to work.
  • Stefan van den Akker
    Stefan van den Akker over 6 years
    Encode username + password from command line with GNU's base64: echo -en '\[email protected]\000mypassword' | base64 (don't escape the @).
  • Mostafa Ayaz
    Mostafa Ayaz over 5 years
    Thank you but one question if you don't mind. How to use this in windows? When I enter my base64 username+password after auth login i get the error*** 501 5.5.2 Cannot Decode response l202sm26206525wma.33 - gsmtp *** what should I do?
  • Darío León
    Darío León about 4 years
    I had a problem trying to send the message in Windows CMD: "adding a new line, period, new line", does not works. I suppose, it is because windows manages new lines differently from Linux so, I move to Git Bash and I searched for the openssl.exe path (/C/Program Files/OpenSSL-Win64/bin), and finally it works!