How to set cellspacing in tables only horizontally


Solution 1

Use the border-spacing CSS property on the table. Browser support is fairly good (excluding mainly IE up to and including IE 7). Example:

table { border-spacing: 10px 0; }

Solution 2


table td{

 padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; /* top right bottom left */

Borut Flis
Author by

Borut Flis

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Borut Flis
    Borut Flis almost 2 years

    I would like to style the table written below.

    <table border="1"   cellspacing="10">

    The problem is that cellspacing sets the space between cells both horizontaly and verticaly, I would like it to be done only horizontaly. Is there a way to do this.

  • Jukka K. Korpela
    Jukka K. Korpela over 11 years
    Padding is inside cells. It’s different from spacing between cells, which is what this is about.