How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable?


Solution 1

Try setting the width on the table itself:

<table id="ratesandcharges1" class="grid" style="width: 650px;">

You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding, margins, and borders you have.

You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't see enough horizontal space for all those columns without mangling the headers, reducing the font sizes, or some other bit of ugliness.

Solution 2

I found this on 456 Bera St. Man is it a lifesaver!!!

But - you don't have a lot of room to spare with your data.


table {
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

Solution 3

Configuration Options:

$(document).ready(function () {

    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "bAutoWidth": false, // Disable the auto width calculation 
    "aoColumns": [
      { "sWidth": "30%" }, // 1st column width 
      { "sWidth": "30%" }, // 2nd column width 
      { "sWidth": "40%" } // 3rd column width and so on 

Specify the css for the table:

table.display {
  margin: 0 auto;
  width: 100%;
  clear: both;
  border-collapse: collapse;
  table-layout: fixed;         // add this 
  word-wrap:break-word;        // add this 


<table id="companiesTable" class="display"> 
      <th>Company name</th>

    <% for(Company c: DataRepository.GetCompanies()){ %>
    <% } %>


It works for me!

Solution 4

The best solution I found this to work for me guys after trying all the other solutions.... Basically i set the sScrollX to 200% then set the individual column widths to the required % that I wanted. The more columns that you have and the more space that you require then you need to raise the sScrollX %... The null means that I want those columns to retain the datatables auto width they have set in their code. enter image description here

                "sScrollX": "200%", //This is what made my columns increase in size.
                "bScrollCollapse": true,
                "sScrollY": "320px",

                "bAutoWidth": false,
                "aoColumns": [
                    { "sWidth": "10%" }, // 1st column width 
                    { "sWidth": "null" }, // 2nd column width 
                    { "sWidth": "null" }, // 3rd column width
                    { "sWidth": "null" }, // 4th column width 
                    { "sWidth": "40%" }, // 5th column width 
                    { "sWidth": "null" }, // 6th column width
                    { "sWidth": "null" }, // 7th column width 
                    { "sWidth": "10%" }, // 8th column width 
                    { "sWidth": "10%" }, // 9th column width
                    { "sWidth": "40%" }, // 10th column width
                    { "sWidth": "null" } // 11th column width
                "bPaginate": true,              
                "sDom": '<"H"TCfr>t<"F"ip>',
                    "aButtons": [ "copy", "csv", "print", "xls", "pdf" ],
                    "sSwfPath": "copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf"
                "aaSorting":[[0, "desc"]],


Solution 5

Answer from official website

    "columnDefs": [
            "width": "20%",
            "targets": 0
Author by


A generous soul

Updated on February 28, 2020


  • Haxed
    Haxed about 4 years

    I have a jQuery datatable(outlined in red), but what happens is that the table jumps out of the width I have set for the div(which is 650 px).

    Here is the screen shot: enter image description here

    Here is my code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var ratesandcharges1;
        $(document).ready(function() {
            /* Init the table*/
                "bRetrieve": false,
                "bFilter": false,
                "bSortClasses": false,
                "bLengthChange": false,
                "bPaginate": false,
                "bInfo": false,
                "bJQueryUI": true,
                "bAutoWidth": false,
                "aaSorting": [[2, "desc"]],
                "aoColumns": [
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '9%' },
                { sWidth: '10%' } ]
    <div id="ratesandcharges1Div" style="width: 650px;"> 
    <table id="ratesandcharges1" class="grid" >
            <!--Header row-->
                <th>Charge Code</th>
                <th>Total Charge</th>
                <th>VAT %</th>
                <th>Calc. Type</th>
                <th>Paid By</th>
        <!--Data row-->
                <td>Rental Time</td>
                <td>Rental Time</td>
                <td>Rental Time</td>
                <td>Rental Time</td>

    Any ideas ?


  • Haxed
    Haxed about 13 years
    yeah I tried that. Still the same result in the browser. Is it possible to set the width to 650px and make the datatable scrollable from left to right to see the content on the far right. Thks for the reply.
  • mu is too short
    mu is too short about 13 years
    You could put overflow-x: auto on #ratesandcharges1Div, that would put a horizontal scrollbar on the surrounding <div>.
  • ChrisCantrell
    ChrisCantrell almost 11 years
    Exactly what I needed: the config options.
  • 2rs2ts
    2rs2ts over 10 years
    I'm having this same problem. overflow-x: auto did as it was supposed to, but changing the width of the table had no effect.
  • Erum
    Erum about 10 years
    how can i assign width only in 3rd column ?
  • Sharky
    Sharky over 9 years
    This solved the problem. Unfortunately, setting the options didn't work, so i welcome this fix.
  • kriscondev
    kriscondev almost 8 years
    Great! I don't know why but my code $('#revTable').dataTable( { "columns": [ { "width": "8%" }, { "width": "12%" }, { "width": "17%" }, { "width": "10%" }, { "width": "15%" }, { "width": "12%" }, { "width": "8%" } ] } ); won't work without your styling above. thanks.
  • Mohd Abdul Mujib
    Mohd Abdul Mujib over 5 years
    Works great for legacy version of datatables.
  • Dhruv Singhal
    Dhruv Singhal over 5 years
    Please correct me if I am wrong. Using this method will surely replace the extra data and replace it with ellipsis, but the whole data is only displayed in a tooltip that is not even selectable. If that's correct, if there any way you can suggest to make the whole text selectable, I have to implement a similar solution in my project?