How to set MongoDB ReadPreference in Spring MVC's contextConfigLocation


Solution 1

Expanding @Trisha's response in to an answer: "Do it in MongoTemplate programmatically" by setting the ReadPreference to SECONDARY.

MongoTemplate template = new MongoTemplate(...);

Solution 2

Declare the following bean

<bean id="readPreferenceSecondary" class="com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference.SecondaryReadPreference">


you inject this in your mongotemplate

<bean id="mongoTemplateProdDb" class="" >
        <property name="readPreference" ref="readPreferenceSecondary"></property>

Solution 3

In case you are using spring-data-mongodb and have some requirement to use multiple Read Preferences based on find query, you can create multiple Mongo Templates and/or Repositories like

    @EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = {
            "" }, mongoTemplateRef = "mongoTemplateOne")    
    public class MongoConfig {

    public MongoTemplate getMongoTemplateOne() throws UnknownHostException {
        MongoTemplate templateOne = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI("YOUR_MONGO_URL")));

        //setting WriteConcern but not relevant for this thread
        return templateOne;

    @Bean(name = "mongoTemplateTwo")
    public MongoTemplate getMongoTemplateTwo() throws UnknownHostException {
        MongoTemplate templateTwo = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI("YOUR_MONGO_URL")));
        return templateTwo;

    private WriteConcernResolver yourWriteConcernResolver() {
        return action -> {
            if (action.getCollectionName()
                    && (action.getMongoActionOperation() == MongoActionOperation.SAVE
                            || action.getMongoActionOperation() == MongoActionOperation.UPDATE)) {
                return WriteConcern.MAJORITY;
            return action.getDefaultWriteConcern();

Solution 4

In case you have more than one secondary (replica-set) you can be more specific and tell the mongo driver explicitly which of the secondaries you want to read from, using tags.

On the mongo side you run this command:


In the code it looks like this:

MongoTemplate template = new MongoTemplate(...)
template.setReadPreference(ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred("your DBObject that reflect your mongo tag names");

Hope it helps.

Author by


Programmer @ Davis, CA

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • sorebrek
    sorebrek almost 2 years

    I am connecting to a MongoDB sharding server via mongodb java driver in Spring MVC. I am using the following versions:

    • spring-webmvc-3.2.1.RELEASE
    • mongo-java-driver/2.10.0/mongo-java-driver-2.10.0
    • spring-data-mongodb-1.2.0.RELEASE

    My Mongo options are set in the contextConfigLocation file mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml

    <mongo:mongo host="" port="30000">
         <mongo:options auto-connect-retry="true"

    It works pretty well, but the slave-ok is deprecated by come.MongoDB.ReadPreference. I just wonder if there is any way to set the readPreference for Spring MVC in the contextConfiLocation file.