How to set PPPOE in kali OS


**Network Manager > VPN Connections > Configure VPN > DSL > add > user: password: seve **strong text****


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • wek
    wek almost 2 years

    How can we create PPPOE in kali OS. I previously set it in BT4 via "sudo pppoeconf", but its not working here. Secondly I tried GUI and gone to DSL and set all the values.But it again not worked for me.Have anyone done this on this OS

    • Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007
      Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 almost 11 years
      "But it again not worked for me". How exactly did it "not work"? Did you get any responses/logs when trying to connect? Credential failure? Connection failure? Adapter failure? What exactly happened when you tried "sudo pppoeconf"?
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound almost 7 years
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound almost 7 years
    The proper thing to do, instead of submitting the same answer to multiple questions, is to flag the question as a duplicate of the question you answered.