How to set x axis value as tooltip in flot charts textual data


The easiest way to solve your problem is to replace the content string with a callback:

tooltipOpts : {
        content : getTooltip,
        defaultTheme : false

I defined getTooltip to get your desired output:

function getTooltip(label, x, y) {
    return "Your sales for " + x + " was $" + y; 

It works, as you can see in the updated jsFiddle, but you may want to consider the advice of captain, in comments, and see what's best in your case.

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • mymotherland
    mymotherland about 2 years

    I tried with following code in Flot char to draw a chart. Chart is plotting as expected but not tooltip

    $(function() {
      var data = [
        ["Aug 06", 2],
        ["Aug 07", 1],
        ["Aug 08", 1.5],
        ["Aug 09", 0],
        ["Aug 10", 0],
        ["Aug 11", 0],
        ["Aug 12", 0]
      var options = {
        series: {
          lines: {
            show: true,
            lineWidth: 1,
            fill: true,
            fillColor: {
              colors: [{
                opacity: 0.5
              }, {
                opacity: 0.2
          points: {
            show: true,
            lineWidth: 2
          shadowSize: 0
        grid: {
          hoverable: true,
          clickable: true,
          tickColor: "#eeeeee",
          borderWidth: 0,
          hoverable: true,
          clickable: true
        tooltip: true,
        tooltipOpts: {
          content: "Your sales for <b>%x</b> was <span>$%y</span>",
          defaultTheme: false
        xaxis: {
          mode: "categories",
          tickLength: 0
        yaxis: {
          min: 0
        selection: {
          mode: "x"
      $.plot("#section-chart", [data], options);
      // Add the Flot version string to the footer
      $("#footer").prepend("Flot " + $.plot.version + " &ndash; ");
    #section-chart {
      width: 600px;
      height: 300px;
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="" integrity="sha512-oQJB9y5mlxC4Qp62hdJi/J1NzqiGlpprSfkxVNeosn23mVn5JA4Yn+6f26wWOWCDbV9CxgJzFfVv9DNLPmhxQg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <div id="section-chart" class="demo-placeholder"></div>

    When hover the values, tooltip shows "Your sales for %x was $2" instead it should shows Your sales for Aug 06 was $2 Here how should i pass x axis values as tooltip in flot chart? What i have done wrong on this. kindly advice ?

    • DNS
      DNS almost 11 years
      What tooltip plugin are you using?
    • mymotherland
      mymotherland almost 11 years
      @DNS i use jquery.flot.tooltip.js
    • Deepak Ingole
      Deepak Ingole almost 11 years
      Could you please use fiddle.Your data is quite messy. Data format should be [x,y] where both x and y should be integer.What you should be doing is to use mode:"time" and returning dates via tick formatter function for x.This will do for you
    • mymotherland
      mymotherland almost 11 years
      @captain i have created fiddle kindly check