How to setup Java-Home and Path in Ubuntu 12.04


Installation of Oracle Java:

  1. Donwload the tarball from Oracle website
  2. unzip it using this command:

    sudo tar -xvpzf fileName -C /installation_folder_name`
  3. change the files permission and ownership
  4. add the following two lines in /etc/profile

    export JAVA_HOME=/home/abu/Java/jdk1.8.0_45/
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

  5. restart the machine and check by java -version and javac -version

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ur truly friend
Author by

ur truly friend

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ur truly friend
    ur truly friend almost 2 years

    we are new to Ubuntu.Recently we changed my server OS to ubuntu 12.04 from windows 7 . every one have their own login details. one of my college installed Open-Jdk7. I asked him, where you installed JAVA, then he suggested to switch the following directory

    su root
    cd /usr/lib/Jvm

    Totally 3 folders are there in JVM folder. names are.

    1. java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64

    2. java-7-openjdk-amd64

    3. java-7-openjdk-common

    generally, If you install Java in Windows, we will get 2 folder. 1 folder is for JDKand another points to JRE.

    but, in Ubuntu we have 3 folders. is it right?

    for my conformation, whether he installed correctly or not. I open Terminal. I run the following 2 commands

     java -version

    both commands are working fine.

    now I want to set-up Java-Home and Path for all users at same place.because everyone is working on Application server.

    Can anyone explain step-by-step.


    • Danatela
      Danatela almost 11 years
      The best way to setup environment variables for all users is editing /etc/environment file. It has pretty simple syntax. And to setup user-specific environment variable you should edit ~/.bashrc file. Add the export VAR=value to the end of this file.
    • ur truly friend
      ur truly friend almost 11 years
      I mention like this. PATH=PredefinePaths:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64". I didn't mention any special charachers in between Path and JAVA-HOME variables. Is it right, What I did
  • Marko Bonaci
    Marko Bonaci over 10 years
    JAVA_HOME should point to a java installation folder, not its bin subfolder. And what's with those colons?
  • Nitesh Verma
    Nitesh Verma over 9 years
    i tried this but still got the same error