How to stopPropagation() w/ Hammer.js 2.0?


Solution 1

In Hammer 2.0.6, as others have answered, you can call event.srcEvent.stopPropagation(). One caveat, you have to set domEvents=true as per the documentation.

Hammer is able to trigger DOM events with the option domEvents: true. This will give your methods like stopPropagation(), so you can use event delegation. Hammer will not unbind the bound events.

Sample Code

var mc = new Hammer.Manager(elem);
mc.options.domEvents=true; // enable dom events
var pinch = new Hammer.Pinch();
mc.get('pinch').set({ enable: true });


var hammertime = new Hammer(elem);
hammertime.domEvents = true;
hammertime.on("panstart", function(e){e.srcEvent.stopPropagation();});

This technique is listed on the tips page of the docs, here

Solution 2

Try event.srcEvent.stopPropagation(). Hammer wraps itself around the native event object; srcEvent gives you access to the 'usual' affordances of the event object.

Solution 3

I was having the same problem, specifically that a nested Hammer component was not properly stopping propagation. In my case, I wanted a modal container (which was the highest level parent component, full screen with an opaque black background) to handle a click event that closed the whole modal. The children components hold the content and I wanted to cancel propagation with those children. In other words, the desired behavior is: a click inside the modal does nothing, but a click outside the modal closes the modal.

This is further complicated by the react-hammerjs library that adds an extra layer of abstraction, including potential bug reports that indicate improper event propagation.

No matter what I did, I could not get stopPropagation() to work. Even with the options.domEvents set to true. I also tried digging into the event.srcEvent.stopPropagation() (and variants) with no success.

I found that using stopImmediatePropagation() works as intended, regardless of the domEvents setting. I understand that stopImmediatePropagation() may be more extreme, but I experience no side effects. Click handlers inside the children (like buttons) still work fine, and I can cancel the modal by clicking on the container.

Here's my final snippet that works fine:

const myComponent = (props) => (
   <Hammer onTap={() => { ... cancel modal ... }} >
      <div className={'modal-container'} >
         <Hammer onTap={(e) => e.srcEvent.stopImmediatePropagation()}>
            <div className={'modal-content'}>
               ... modal content
               <Hammer onTap={() => { ... button handler ... }}>
                  <button>Take Action</button>

Solution 4

Unfortunately, stopPropagation() doesn't work. You need to check the target of your gesture to understand from where the event has been triggered.

For example:

$(parent_element).hammer().bind(gesture_type, function(event) {
    if ( === correctClass)

Solution 5

That just works:

  preventDefault: true,
  domEvents: true
}).on("panright", function() { });
Author by


Updated on July 04, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I have a parent and child div. Panning/dragging on the child should not affect the parent. This is a similar question but was asked a year ago, and I'm using a newer version of Hammer.js w/ the jQuery wrapper.

    My assumption was that I'd have to somehow stopPropagation() but I'm not really sure how to use it.

    I've mocked up a demo showing my problem on JsFiddle. I've also commented out the couple things I've tried.

    $(".outer-box").hammer().bind("panright", function(event){
        // do stuff when panning
        // panning here should move both boxes
    $(".outer-box").hammer().bind("panend", function(event){
        // do stuff when panning ends
    $(".inner-box").hammer().bind("panright", function(event){
        // do stuff when panning
        // panning here should only affect the inner box
    $(".inner-box").hammer().bind("panend", function(event){
        // do stuff when panning ends

    Any suggestions or tips? Thanks!

  • br4nnigan
    br4nnigan over 5 years
    That's terrible, I'll stop using HammerJs
  • Cully
    Cully about 5 years
    stopImmediatePropagation worked for me, when just stopPropagation was not. Thank you!
  • WeakPointer
    WeakPointer over 4 years
    At first the stopImmediatePropagation seemed to work for me too. But it ended up with side effects I couldn't explain. Once it was called once, the outer element's handler wouldn't fire, even when other clicks should have been caught by it. I ended up not using it but setting a new property within the srcEvent that a higher level could look for as it is bubbled. In one sense cleaner, in another not so. Now I have to standardize on this new property for any level above. But getting the handlers registered in the proper order was key. Thanks.