How to store App settings in Xamarin.Forms


Solution 1

It can be done this way too using Properties Dictionary

for storing data:

Application.Current.Properties ["id"] = someClass.ID;

for fetching data:

if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
    var id = Application.Current.Properties ["id"] as int;
    // do something with id


Solution 2

The Application object (in VS you get an App class that inherits from it, I think the Xamarin Studio template might be slightly different) has a Properties dictionary that is specifically for this. If you need to make sure your properties get saved right away, there is a Application.SavePropertiesAsync method you can call.

Solution 3

I use Settings Plugin for Xamarin And Windows for Xamarin.Forms, the upside since this is implemented at the device-level, you can access these settings from any Forms project, PCL library OR your native project within your app.

  • Nuget: Xam.Plugins.Settings

private const string UserNameKey = "username_key";
private static readonly string UserNameDefault = string.Empty;

public static string UserName
  get { return AppSettings.GetValueOrDefault<string>(UserNameKey, UserNameDefault); }
  set { AppSettings.AddOrUpdateValue<string>(UserNameKey, value); }

Solution 4

You can use the preferences included with Xamarin.Essential.

        /* You need to using Xamarin.Essentials
        If you do not have Xamarin.Essentials installed,
        install it from (NuGet Package Manager)

        // Add a reference to Xamarin.Essentials in your class
        using Xamarin.Essentials;

        // To save a value for a given key in preferences
        Preferences.Set("my_key", "my_value");

        // To retrieve a value from preferences or a default if not set
        var myValue = Preferences.Get("my_key", "default_value");

        // To check if a given key exists in preferences
        bool hasKey = Preferences.ContainsKey("my_key");

        // To remove the key from preferences

        // To remove all preferences

Have a look at this link:

Solution 5

If the settings are more of configurations which are not changed at runtime (e.g. sort of web.config for the app) you can use App.xaml and store values in dictionary like that:

        <Style x:Key="SmallLabel" TargetType="Label">
            <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="Gray" />
            <Setter Property="Font" Value="{StaticResource FontItalicSmall}" />

And retrieve them in C# code like that:

var style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["SmallLabel"];
A. Sinha
Author by

A. Sinha

Passionate about programming......

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • A. Sinha
    A. Sinha almost 2 years

    How can we store and retrieve App settings as key,value pair in Xamarin.Forms? Like when the app is closed we can store the user preferences and on restarting of the App we are able to get those values.

  • Akash Amin
    Akash Amin about 8 years
    How about akavache,have you used that?@SushiHangover
  • SushiHangover
    SushiHangover about 8 years
    @AkashAmin Almost all my apps currently have Akavache in it (use it for caching but looking to move to Realm for the speed and to remove SQLite dependacy for future projects). But for storing a few app settings it is kind-of over kill ...
  • Akash Amin
    Akash Amin about 8 years
    Great. I was looking into realm too. Thank You for your feedback though.
  • SushiHangover
    SushiHangover about 8 years
    @AkashAmin No problem, I am really interested in the Realm for Xamarin as I've used it once on an iOS Swift-base project and was very impressed, the Xamarin synthetic benchmarks look really promising and as we know speed is king(!) in mobile... but like anything, I'll need to run some tests on the data that I am caching to determine if it really is a better fit...
  • Akash Amin
    Akash Amin about 8 years
    Yes looking forward to it. Thanks.@SushiHangover
  • Andy Dent
    Andy Dent about 8 years
    Note which we are taking as strong encouragement to finish any Realm features it needs!
  • SushiHangover
    SushiHangover about 8 years
    @AndyDent Sweet, sounds great!
  • Emil
    Emil over 7 years
    @SushiHangover just that I understand correct. this plugin saves settings per device and if we use Application.Current.Properties, it will be shared for all devices (means for application).
  • SushiHangover
    SushiHangover over 7 years
    @batmaci This plugin is different than…
  • LanderV
    LanderV over 6 years
    Be aware that you shouldn't use this for user settings. These properties are serialized to an xml file and don't use the native settings/preferences mechanism of the underlying platform. E.g. in iOS it will not store items in NSUserDefaults. You won't be able to modify it from the System's Settings Bundle (…)
  • LanderV
    LanderV over 6 years
    Application.Current.Properties is more about retaining application state across activations (OnStart/OnSleep/OnResume)
  • phantomraa
    phantomraa about 6 years
    For anyone wondering why their code doesn't persist the properties you set, you need to save them using the above! I pulled a bit of hair out over this one. Thanks!
  • BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft about 4 years
    Link is dead and has been moved to He recommends you use Xamarin.Essentials.Preferences instead, but I did not because I only needed settings, not everything else in Xamarin Essentials.