How to store byte from Java into a bytea in PostgreSQL?


Code Java by PostgreSQL

pst.setBinaryStream(6, mesa.getSom());
pst.setBinaryStream(7, mesa.getRotina());
pst.setBinaryStream(8, mesa.getAddress64Bits());`
Renato Pereira
Author by

Renato Pereira

Updated on August 25, 2020


  • Renato Pereira
    Renato Pereira almost 4 years

    I am getting a problem when I try to insert a variable of type "byte" in Java into a variable of type "bytea" in PostgreSQL.

    This is my table in postgresql:

    CREATE TABLE mesa (
       id_mesa              serial PRIMARY KEY,
       tag                  varchar(50),
       modelo               varchar(50),
       menor_complemento    smallint NOT NULL,
       peso_min             smallint NOT NULL,
       peso_max             smallint NOT NULL,
       som                  bytea NOT NULL,
       rotina               bytea NOT NULL,
       address64bits        bytea NOT NULL UNIQUE

    my code in Java is the following:

    private Mesa mesa;
    public MesaDAO (Mesa mesa) {
        this.mesa = mesa;
    String stm = "INSERT INTO mesa(tag, modelo, menor_complemento, peso_min, "
                + "peso_max, som, rotina, address64bits) "
                + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        try {
            pst = con.prepareStatement(stm);
            pst.setString(1, mesa.getTag());
            pst.setString(2, mesa.getModelo());
            pst.setInt(3, mesa.getMenorComplemento());
            pst.setInt(4, mesa.getPesoMin());
            pst.setInt(5, mesa.getPesoMax());
            pst.setByte(6, mesa.getSom());
            pst.setByte(7, mesa.getRotina());
            pst.setBytes(8, mesa.getAddress64Bits());

    The mesa types are:

    public class Mesa{
      private Integer idMesa;
      private String tag;
      private String modelo;
      private Integer menorComplemento;
      private Integer pesoMin;
      private Integer pesoMax;
      private byte som;
      private byte rotina;
      private byte[] address64Bits;

    Then, when I try to insert something it throws a PSQLException stating that the column "som" is a "bytea" but the expression is a "smallint". I also think it gonna have the same SQLException on the following two lines after that one.

    So I don't know how to fix that, if someone could help me I will be glad!

    Thank you in advance,


    Thanks guys for helping me, I will provide the solution here: change the variable "som" and "rotina" to "byte[]" type and then use pst.getBytes(...) instead of pst.getByte(...).


    I am using XBee (API mode), so I need to send the byte value through the port serial. So I was just verifying if what I am getting from the database is the same value of that one I inserted there. In conclusion, I want to know how to recover the bytes from database to send them through the serial port.