How to store standard composition Classes in ObjectBox?


If you're saying Class A contains a List of Class B, then their relationship isn't a subclass/superclass but it's a standard composition. I understand your definition looks somewhat like this:

class A {
  List<B> bs;

class B {
  List<C> cs;

class C {}

And in order to use it in ObjectBox, you can define them as relations, either a standalone ToMany relation, or a ToOne relation with a backlink - depends on what better describes your data, you can achieve the same with both.

1st alternative - using ToMany

ToMany relation stores the info in a separate "table" of IDs, like: <--> and another one between <-->

class A {
  int id;
  final bs = ToMany<B>();

class B {
  int id;
  final cs = ToMany<C>;

class C {
  int id;

2nd alternative - using ToOne with a backlink

ToOne relation can achieve the same in your case and the relatin info is actually stored on the object itself as a single ID, i.e. there's a hidden int B.classAId field that and you can get all Bs for a class A instance by looking for those Bs pointing to this A. This is done behind the scenes by a ToMany<> with a Backlink() annotation.

class A {
  int id;

  final bs = ToMany<B>();

class B {
  int id;
  final a = ToOne<A>; 

  final cs = ToMany<C>;

class C {
  int id;

  final b = ToOne<B>; 
Baraa Aljabban
Author by

Baraa Aljabban

Updated on November 25, 2022


  • Baraa Aljabban
    Baraa Aljabban over 1 year

    I have Class A contains List of Class B that contains List of Class C so how I would achieve this in ObjectBox ? how do I store it?

    in the pic below you can see that I have BasicInfo Class Contains Data class and so on....

    I put @Entinty annotation on BasicInfo class and after generating the models class D doesn't show up in the objectbox.g.dart file as it's on of BasicInfo properties

      id: const IdUid(1, 3501283007979667013),
      name: 'BasicInfo',
      lastPropertyId: const IdUid(1, 2073579066569957521),
      flags: 0,
      properties: <ModelProperty>[
            id: const IdUid(1, 2073579066569957521),
            name: 'id',
            type: 6,
            flags: 1)
      relations: <ModelRelation>[],
      backlinks: <ModelBacklink>[])

    enter image description here

  • Baraa Aljabban
    Baraa Aljabban almost 3 years
    Thanks Vaind! yes you are correct about that, and it's my bad to call it subclass, I'll fix it now. So in my case there will be a for loop inside one another, to store the composite classes, and take the Id of first class and pass it as Target to the other class, right?
  • vaind
    vaind almost 3 years
    hard to tell what exactly you mean without a bit of code but it sounds reasonable :)