How to subtract a column of days from a column of dates in Pyspark?


Solution 1

I was able to solve this using selectExpr.

df.selectExpr('date_sub(date_col, day_col) as subtracted_dates')

If you want to append the column to the original DF, just add * to the expression

df.selectExpr('*', 'date_sub(date_col, day_col) as subtracted_dates')

Solution 2

Use expr function (if you have dynamic values from columns to substract):

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import *
>>> df.withColumn('substracted_dates',expr("date_sub(date_col,days_col)"))

Use withColumn function(if you have literal values to substract):

>>> df.withColumn('substracted_dates',date_sub('date_col',<int_literal_value>))

Solution 3

Not the most elegant solution ever but if you don't want to hack SQL expressions in Scala (not that it should be hard, but these are private to sql) something like this should do the trick:

from pyspark.sql import Column

def date_sub_(c1: Column, c2: Column) -> Column:
    return ((c1.cast("timestamp").cast("long") - 60 * 60 * 24 * c2)

For Python 2.x just drop type annotations.

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2020


  • kjmij
    kjmij almost 4 years

    Given the following PySpark DataFrame

    df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('2015-01-15', 10),
                                     ('2015-02-15', 5)],
                                     ('date_col', 'days_col'))

    How can the days column be subtracted from the date column? In this example, the resulting column should be ['2015-01-05', '2015-02-10'].

    I looked into pyspark.sql.functions.date_sub(), but it requires a date column and a single day, i.e. date_sub(df['date_col'], 10). Ideally, I'd prefer to do date_sub(df['date_col'], df['days_col']).

    I also tried creating a UDF:

    from datetime import timedelta
    def subtract_date(start_date, days_to_subtract):
        return start_date - timedelta(days_to_subtract)
    subtract_date_udf = udf(subtract_date, DateType())
    df.withColumn('subtracted_dates', subtract_date_udf(df['date_col'], df['days_col'])

    This technically works, but I've read that stepping between Spark and Python can cause performance issues for large datasets. I can stick with this solution for now (no need to prematurely optimize), but my gut says there's just got to be a way to do this simple thing without using a Python UDF.

  • kjmij
    kjmij about 8 years
    Clever. I think I found a slightly more elegant solution using selectExpr, but thanks for the help!
  • zero323
    zero323 about 8 years
    If you don't mind typing SQL you can actually simplify this to"date_sub({0}, {1})".format("date_col", "days_col"))) which makes it trivial to compose.
  • cronoik
    cronoik almost 5 years
    Hi Shu, I don't think that works because date_sub takes one column and an integer value as parameters. It only works with expr like: df=df.withColumn('substracted_dates', F.expr('date_sub(date_col, day_col)').