How to sync a local email storage to IMAP (mutt-friendly)?


Solution 1

OfflineIMAP and isync are both programs that integrate well with mutt and will satisfy your other criteria.

OfflineIMAP is written in Python and isync in C; both are very quick.

Both programs are well documented and straightforward to set up; isync perhaps slightly easier.

There is one significant difference between the functionality of each that is worth bearing in mind: you can use mbsync (isync's executable) to repopulate a remote IMAP maildir1 from a local copy, OfflineIMAP cannot do this. [Amendment: from v6.4.0, OfflineIMAP has the createfolders option to create folders on the remote repository].

The Arch Wiki has pages on both, with example configurations and use cases.2

1. In the event, hypothetically, you inadvertently delete your remote mail store and need to recover from a backup on a local machine...
2. isync and OfflineIMAP.

Solution 2

Maybe the following excellently written post from Steve Losh will help you


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Cera
    Cera almost 2 years


    My problem: I want to read email offline with my choice of client (mutt), but I want actions like moving emails, etc. to be kept in two-way snc with an imap server.

    My question: Is there a straightforward way to do this while still using standard tools like fetchmail, procmail, etc.?


    I have a gmail account. For various reasons - some institutional - I need to be able to read this mail from a mail client; I want my 'inbox' to be clean, much like I would keep it with a traditional local mail setup, and for anything I 'archive' to be searchable. If I move an email to a folder in the web client, I'd like my local inbox to take this into account.

    When possible, I want to be able to read this mail from mutt. Previously I used mutt's native imap functionality, but mutt has to make a connection to the server each time you run it; the connection often drops while I'm reading mail and mutt is open in the background; it only keeps a cache of message headers, and loading new messages requires a round-trip to the server; if I send a message, I have to wait for it to be acknowledged over STMP before I can look at any other messages.

    Is there some way around this? I don't consider fat clients like Thunderbird to be a solution: I require terminal access, I like to be able to grep my mail, I make good use of procmail's filtering capabilities, and I prefer decoupled systems.

    As mentioned above, fetchmail, procmail and sendmail get me almost there - but not quite to being able to keep my activity in sync between clients.

    Am I missing something? I've looked at the FreeBSD handbook's section on email and a bunch of blog posts but nothing seems to bring it all together in this way.

    By the way, I run Arch Linux and Debian.

    • jasonwryan
      jasonwryan about 11 years
      Have you considered offlineimap or isync? They both work well...
    • slm
      slm about 11 years
      Just to help out @jasonwryan's comment: &
    • Cera
      Cera about 11 years
      Thanks. I found isync, now named absync. It's working well!
  • Anthon
    Anthon about 11 years
    It would be better to repeat the relevant parts of the information the link provides here and use the link as a reference for more detail. That way your answer stays useful even if the link goes away at some point.
  • dhananjay
    dhananjay about 10 years
    I second the isync/mbsync idea. OfflineImap is not reliable enough for me with my Gmail account (I'm subscribed to several high-traffic mailing lists and OfflineImap was getting stuck very often).
  • Nikos Alexandris
    Nikos Alexandris about 9 years
    The stated difference does not seem to hold true anymore (for OfflineIMAP, see: createfolder) ?
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan about 9 years
    @NikosAlexandris Yes: this was introduced in 6.4.0. I'll update my answer, thanks for the prompt.
  • Nikos Alexandris
    Nikos Alexandris about 9 years
    On-Off topic: another difference is that mbsync can't handle UTF8 stuff, while there is a Python solution for offlineimap (see Greek characters in mutt's sidebar for example. Wish mbsync could do it, or I'll try to offer a Python based solution for it as well, if possible. OfflineIMAP's give's me problems lately (UID validity related, as well as creating duplicate messages once I remove the readonly = true option.