How to tell Google that I have changed my website URLs?

  1. Do 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs. This will tell the search engines and users that the pages have moved and where they are now. This also associates the old URL with the new URL for Google which means all of your old incoming links will now be associated with your new pages.

  2. Submit an XML sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools

  3. Make sure you have an HTML sitemap. This is good for users and search engines.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin over 1 year

    I have done major updates to my website, and renamed all my URLs.

    How can I tell Google that I have renamed these URLs and let Google refresh its index?

    My website URL:
    My sitemap:

    I have uploaded my sitemap via Google Webmaster Tools many times.

    However, every time I search Google for "pndmasr", I still get results with old pages. I have waited more than 3 days but the problem remains. Any suggestions?

    Is there a problem with my sitemap?