How to tell using XPath if an element is present and non empty?


Solution 1



this produces true() if //acord:Holding/acord:Policy/acord:PolNumber has a first text-node child, and false() otherwise.

Do note: This is more efficient than counting all text-node children just to compare the count with 0.

Solution 2

You can use boolean(...) for checking if it's empty, but make sure to look inside the element.


This also works if other nodes are contained. If you want to limit to text nodes, replace node() by text(). You could want to use //text() instead, then the query will also yield true for text nodes inside other child elements of <PolNumber/>.

Solution 3

Maybe I'm a bit late here, but answers are a bit confusing. This one will always returns false when text is blank or with spaces but no chars.


Solution 4

How about expression="#[?xpath('//acord:Holding/acord:Policy/acord:PolNumber').text != empty]" ? This should work in in all situations

Solution 5

What about using count to get the number of text nodes:

    expression="#[xpath('count(//Holding/Policy/PolNumber/child::text())') != 0]"/>
Charu Khurana
Author by

Charu Khurana

Java enthusiast, currently Mule consultant

Updated on May 30, 2020


  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 4 years

    I have an input XML something on this line:

    <Holding id="12">
            <HoldingForm tc="1">Individual</HoldingForm>
            <LineOfBusiness tc="1">Life</LineOfBusiness>

    My manipulation on this XML depends on if <PolNumber> (its an optional element in schema) has a value or not. I'm using Mule 3.3 xpath evaluator to do this and my XPath expression looks this:

    <expression-filter expression="#[xpath('//acord:Holding/acord:Policy/acord:PolNumber').text != empty]"/> 

    This works fine as long as <PolNumber> element is present or <PolNumber/> is empty element. But if <PolNumber> is absent, above expression throws exception.

    I tried using XPath boolean function but it returns true for <PolNumber/>. Is there a better way of checking if an element is present and non-empty?


    This is the configuration of namespace manager in my mule config

    <xm:namespace-manager includeConfigNamespaces="true">
        <xm:namespace prefix="acord" uri="" />
        <xm:namespace prefix="soap" uri="" />
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    Thank you for your response. No Such Function {}:count (org.jaxen.UnresolvableException) org.jaxen.SimpleFunctionContext:127 exception is thrown for count function.
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    I changed above expression to <expression-filter expression="#[xpath('fn:count(//acord:Holding/acord:Policy/a‌​cord:PolNumber)') != 0]"/> and that worked, however, for <PolNumber/> count is non zero just like boolean function
  • David Dossot
    David Dossot about 11 years
    Strange you have to prefix with fn. Edit your question and show how is your namespace manager configured please.
  • David Dossot
    David Dossot about 11 years
    Thanks, I think includeConfigNamespaces is what's screwing the default namespace and forces to prefix with fn. Do you really need it?
  • David Dossot
    David Dossot about 11 years
    I've reviewed by answer to count the number of text child nodes in PolNumber. You may need to prefix with fn: in your config.
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    I don't need includeConfigNamespaces attribute really. Removing it caused function to work without fn prefix. Thanks for pointing that. Don't think I'd be able to catch it.
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    Now, with text child nodes, it works for all the scenarios. Thank you very much
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    I agree this is better than counting all text-node children but even this solution is not full-proof. this xpath will return true for <Holding><Policy><PolNumber></PolNumber><Policy></Holding>. I don't know how to show a new line in comment but my intent was to have new line character between <PolNumber> and </PolNumber>
  • Dimitre Novatchev
    Dimitre Novatchev about 11 years
    @Learner, This is straight-forward: boolean(//acord:Holding/acord:Policy/acord:PolNumber/text()[‌​normalize-space()][1‌​])
  • Charu Khurana
    Charu Khurana about 11 years
    Thanks Dimitre. I don't have exposure with xpath, all this is very helpful to me.
    JGFMK about 5 years
    This should have been the accepted answer in my eyes. boolean(//a/node()) on <a></a> gives false. Whereas <a><b/></a> gives true. Try it out here: boolean(//a/text()[1]) yields false under both those scenarios.