How to test for a redirect with Rspec and Capybara


Solution 1

Capybara is not a rails-specific solution so it doesn't know anything about rails's rendering logic.

Capybara is meant specifically for Integration testing, which is essentially running tests from the viewpoint of an end-user interacting with a browser. In these tests, you should not be asserting templates because an end-user can't see that deep into your application. What you should instead be testing is that an action lands you on the correct path.

current_path.should == new_user_path
page.should have_selector('div#erro_div')

Solution 2

you can do it this way:

expect(current_path).to eql(new_app_user_registration_path)

Solution 3

Rspec 3:

The easiest way to test for the current path is with:

expect(page).to have_current_path('/login?status=invalid_token')

The have_current_path has an advantage over this approach:

expect(current_path).to eq('/login')

because you can include query params.

Solution 4

The error message @request must be an ActionDispatch::Request tells you that rspec-rails matcher redirect_to (it delegates to Rails assert_redirected_to) expects it to be used in Rails functional tests (should mix in ActionController::TestCase). The code you posted looks like rspec-rails request spec. So redirect_to is not available.

Checking for redirect is not supported in rspec-rails request specs, but is supported in Rails integration tests.

Whether you should explicitly check for how redirect was made (that it is was a 301 response and not a 307 response and not some javascript) is completely up to you.

Solution 5

Here is hackish solution that i found

# spec/features/user_confirmation_feature.rb

feature 'User confirmation' do
  scenario 'provide confirmation and redirect' do
    visit "/users/123/confirm"

    expect(page).to have_content('Please enter the confirmation code')
    find("input[id$='confirmation_code']").set '1234'

    do_not_follow_redirect do
      expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq(302)
      expect(page.driver.browser.last_response['Location']).to match(/\/en\//[^\/]+\/edit$/)


  # Capybara won't follow redirects
  def do_not_follow_redirect &block
      options = page.driver.instance_variable_get(:@options)
      prev_value = options[:follow_redirects]
      options[:follow_redirects] = false

      options[:follow_redirects] = prev_value

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I love well designed digital products, programming, and tech. Driving digital product roadmap in Brazil for world’s third largest retailer of home decor and building materials.

Updated on June 13, 2020


  • Mohamad
    Mohamad almost 4 years

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but every time I try to test for a redirect, I get this error: "@request must be an ActionDispatch::Request"

    context "as non-signed in user" do
      it "should redirect to the login page" do
        expect { visit admin_account_url(account, host: get_host(account)) }.to redirect_to(signin_path)
    1) AdminAccountPages Admin::Accounts#show as non-signed in user should redirect to the login page
         Failure/Error: expect { visit admin_account_url(account, host: get_host(account)) }.to redirect_to(signin_path)
           @request must be an ActionDispatch::Request
         # ./spec/requests/admin_account_pages_spec.rb:16:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

    I'm using RSpec-rails (2.9.0) with Capybara (1.1.2) and Rails 3.2. I would appreciate it if someone could also explain why this is happening; why can't I use the expect in such a way?

    • Joseph Weissman
      Joseph Weissman almost 12 years
      Maybe I'm missing something, but what's wrong with assert_redirected_to?
    • Mohamad
      Mohamad almost 12 years
      @JosephWeissman, I get the same error!
  • bjnord
    bjnord over 7 years
    With newer versions of Capybara this no longer works. I have 2.10.1 and there is a new method have_current_path that can be used: expect(page).to have_current_path(new_user_path)
  • Rennan Oliveira
    Rennan Oliveira almost 7 years
    This helps if your redirect happens to be an external link
  • sekmo
    sekmo over 6 years
    which is the difference with expect(current_path).to eq('/login?status=invalid_token') ?
  • nruth
    nruth over 5 years
    @sekmo if you do that (as most of us used to) it uses the current value, which might not have stabilised yet, and you'll have a race condition in your test. When you use have_current_path it uses the capybara retry logic you're familiar with from dom assertions to retry the value until it matches or hits your timeout/retry limit and fails the test.
  • nruth
    nruth over 5 years
    which driver is this for?
  • randmin
    randmin about 4 years
    @bjnord Not true. current_path still works even in 3.13. You use a new syntax that comes with latest rspec and has nothing to do with capybara. See the answer of The Whiz of Oz ;)