How to track superuser activities


Solution 1

For environments with multiple admins just don't use root - ever if possible.

Use sudo for everything - sudo is extremely configurable and easily logable.

Log any / all logins or su's to root & investigate them as someone is then going around your established rules.

Solution 2

What you might could do is use this library for sudo, give everyone their own useraccount and put sudo -i in everyones profile. That way they have instant root access and every command they use is being logged.

Solution 3

For one, what type of root user access are you looking to monitor for? Stupid admin mistakes or malicious insider? The former -- you'll want a good configuration management solution, as has already been suggested. The latter -- if they know what they're doing, you can only hope to catch enough to indicate something happened worth investigating. You just want to know that some form of unauthorized activity started, and be alerted to that fact. If they're smart, they'll disable most of the logging you build in (by changing the server state or by bringing in their own tools) but hopefully you can catch the beginnings of the incident.

That being said, I suggest a couple of tools you can use. First, start with a good sudo policy (which has been suggested already). Second, check out sudoshell if you have need to give those admins root shell access. Third, probably your best bet (though most intensive), look into linux kernel auditing.

Solution 4

As others have said there's pretty much no way to log users with full root access in a way they can't disable, but if you're running debian/ubuntu take a look at snoopy, which comes pretty close to what you want

snoopy is merely a shared library that is used as a wrapper to the execve() function provided by libc as to log every call to syslog (authpriv). system administrators may find snoopy useful in tasks such as light/heavy system monitoring, tracking other administrator's actions as well as getting a good 'feel' of what's going on in the system (for example apache running cgi scripts).

Solution 5

They've got root. The best you can hope for is to at least see when they decided to break out of your little monitoring utopia, but beyond that what they did is anyone's guess.

The "best" option I can think of is to mandate the use of pervasive configuration automation and management, and manage your manifests using a revision control system and deploy updates through that. Then prevent actual root logins to the servers. (Emergency "oh noes I broke something" access can be provided by a not-distributed-and-changed-after-each-use password or SSH key, and everyone gets to watch the sysadmin who screwed up to make sure they don't change anything).

Yes, this is going to be inconvenient and annoying, but if you're paranoid enough to want to monitor everyone's actions to this degree, I'm guessing you're in an environment which is inconvenient and annoying enough in other ways that this won't seem like a big problem.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • mfriedman
    mfriedman almost 2 years

    I'd like to know what are the best approaches for tracking superuser activities on a Linux environment.

    Specifically, I'm looking for these features:

    • A) Logging keystrokes to a secured syslog server
    • B) Ability to replay shell sessions (something like scriptreplay)
    • C) Ideally, this should be something impossible (or quite difficult) to circumvent without having physical access to the server.

    Think about this from a security / auditing perspective, in a environment where different sysadmins (or even third parties) need to be allowed to perform privileged operations on a server.

    Every administrator would have his o her own nominal account, and every interactive session should be fully logged, with the possibility of replaying it if necessary (for example, if someone used mc to delete or alter critical files, it wouldn't be enough to know that that person issued the mc command; there must be a way to see exactly what was done after launching mc).

    Additional notes:

    1. As womble has pointed out, may be the best option would be not having people logging in with root privileges to perform changes on servers, but instead doing that through a configuration management system. So let's assume a situation where we don't have such a system and we need to grant root level access to different people over the same server.
    2. I'm not interested at all in doing this surreptitiously: every person logging in to a server with root privileges would be fully aware that the session will be recorded (in the same way that, for example, call center operators know that their conversations are being recorded)
    3. No one would be using a generic superuser account ("root")
    4. I am aware of ttyrpld and it seems to do what I'm looking for. But before going that way, I'd like to know if this can be solved by using an unmodified kernel. I want to know if there are any tools for Debian in particular (or Linux in general) that allow full auditing of superuser accounts without patching the shell or the kernel.
    • Avery Payne
      Avery Payne almost 15 years
      (grabs chair and popcorn) this should be good...
    • KPWINC
      KPWINC almost 15 years
      +1 ...was thinking the exact same thing. LOL
    • sleske
      sleske almost 15 years
      Also note this related question:…
    • KevinRae
      KevinRae almost 15 years
      I still think you should use a configuration management system. (puppet/cfengine/chef/systemimager/chef/etc...)
    • mfriedman
      mfriedman almost 15 years
      Kevin, I agree with you. See for example my comment to womble's answer:…. Unfortunately, that is not an option on this environment, and that's why I asked to assume a scenario where a configuration management system isn't avaible. Anyway, I'd like to thank you for your feedback on this topic.
  • mfriedman
    mfriedman almost 15 years
    I have to agree with you. The best option would be not having people logging in with root privileges to perform changes on servers, but instead doing that through a configuration management system. I find your comments helpful for refining and clarifying my question.
  • womble
    womble almost 15 years
    Yeah, sudo's got great logging -- all those "womble ran /bin/sh as root" entries are real helpful. Without config management, people are always going to be becoming root to do admin tasks, and someone who wanted to do something nefarious could just do their thing in the same root session as performing a valid task. The perfect cover.
  • dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten
    dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten almost 15 years
    Policy has to discourage simply shelling out as root for this to be any good of course, and you won't be able to know what they did once they went off the reservation, but it narrows the list of suspects...
  • Karl Katzke
    Karl Katzke almost 15 years
    Policy: "sudo /bin/sh" = fired/investigated. Pretty clear, pretty easy solution.
  • mfriedman
    mfriedman almost 15 years
    Thanks for you answer. Does it support keystroke logging or just command logging?
  • mfriedman
    mfriedman almost 15 years
    +1 Thank you for suggesting sudoshell, and specially for metioning Linux kernel's audit system -- that could be an excellent complement for what I'm trying to achieve.
  • cas
    cas almost 15 years
    there are so many ways of getting a shell from programs that people will legitimately need to run (e.g. from sudo vi) that there's little point in just blocking 'sudo /bin/sh'...unless you can be certain that you've blocked every possible method, you'd just be issuing a challenge to find more obscure ways. in any case: a) sometimes sudo /bin/sh is necessary, and b) it's a management problem, not tech.
  • cas
    cas almost 15 years
    i have a .bash_logout script that makes a time-stamped copy of the history to /var/lib/history/$user.$tty-or-IP.$yymmddhhss if i cared more, i'd set up process accounting or proper auditing tools...but it's not really for security, it's so i can find out who did something dumb and tell them a) not to do it again, and b) how to do it properly. increasing the clue level of juniors is much more of an issue here than trust.
    KPWINC almost 15 years
    Reminds me of the story where a junior sales guy blows the million dollar deal. He expects the boss to fire him and the boss says, "Hell no! It just cost me a million dollars to TRAIN YOU!" I can feel the "clue level" of the juniors increasing as we speak. ;-)
  • mfriedman
    mfriedman almost 15 years
    +1 I didn't know about that library. Thank you for sharing!
  • Karl Katzke
    Karl Katzke almost 15 years
    Chris makes a great point: Management problem, not tech problem.