How to trigger an Control.Resize event without actually resizing?


Solution 1

If you are subclassing Control, you can call OnResize directly, or expose it on the API:

 public void OnResize() {

However, you can't do this for arbitrary controls. You could change the Size to-and-fro? Alternatively, you could use reflection, but that is hacky:

 typeof (Control).GetMethod("OnResize",
     BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
     .Invoke(myControl, new object[] {EventArgs.Empty});

Solution 2

I always do this by calling the Control's Resize event handler:

control_Resize(null, null);
Author by


Updated on December 19, 2020


  • mafu
    mafu over 3 years

    I'm not subclassing the control. Trying to trigger the event via Control.Size = Control.Size fails, since it does not trigger then even unless the new size is actually different.

  • mafu
    mafu over 15 years
    Reflection would be possible, but it's probably an overkill and also feels really ugly.
  • user3147973
    user3147973 about 4 years
    This is incorrect. Setting a new Size does not issue a resize event for that control.