How to underline text in reStructuredText?


Solution 1

I asked a similar question here. Try like this:

.. role:: underline
    :class: underline

In the document, this can be applied as follows:

:underline:`This text is underlined`

In your css file you could have:

.underline {
  text-decoration: underline;

This should work for HTML output. However, underlining is intentionally not part of the ReST specs. See this link.

Solution 2

You add the following directive in the index.rst file for example:

.. role:: underline
    :class: underline

In the document you indicate the text as underlined with the following:

:underline:`This text is underlined`

To specify the css for your underline class you add some css to the layout.html file inside the folder _themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/sphinx_rtd_theme/ if you are using the sphinx_rtd_theme, otherwise your default theme directory:

    .underline {
    text-decoration: underline;

This will style your html accordingly.

Underlining is part of the StructureText but not of Sphinx's reStructuredText specifications, according to a quote from David Ascher in his 2000-01-21 Doc-SIG mailing list post, "Docstring grammar: a very revised proposal":

The tagging of underlined text with _'s is suboptimal. Underlines shouldn't be used from a typographic perspective (underlines were designed to be used in manuscripts to communicate to the typesetter that the text should be italicized -- no well-typeset book ever uses underlines), and conflict with double-underscored Python variable names (init and the like), which would get truncated and underlined when that effect is not desired. Note that while complete markup would prevent that truncation ('init'), I think of docstring markups much like I think of type annotations -- they should be optional and above all do no harm. In this case the underline markup does harm.

Alex Bolotov
Author by

Alex Bolotov

Rashists invaded my country.

Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Alex Bolotov
    Alex Bolotov about 2 years

    Of course, on the web an underline denotes hyperlink, but what if I need underline which is not a hyperlink?