How to uninstall Toribash?


Solution 1

It seems like Toribash doesn't create files outside its directory. Fortunately it doesn't make any new registry entry besides its association with its replay files.

So it's enough to delete its files, shortcuts and remove the association of the *.rpl files.

Solution 2

Well, if you really want to, you could try installing it again, and if it displays a list of files it installs, then you could use that to make sure all traces are gone. But, since it doesn't look like a piece of spyware, you could also just delete the folder/start menu link and be done with it.


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Joko Wandiro
Author by

Joko Wandiro

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Joko Wandiro
    Joko Wandiro almost 2 years

    I want to ask mean of plus operator in this script +i+ in the follow:

    // next line in scripts write this code :
    $('.container[data-id='+i+']').hide(); // +i+ what the meaning of it

    Need Help thanks a TON

    • UNK
      UNK over 14 years
      The registry isn't a huge problem, really. And why would you uninstall toribash :(
    • KovBal
      KovBal over 14 years
      @Phoshi: Those eegistry entries can cause some hard-to-track-down problems.
    • slikts
      slikts over 14 years
      Problems like what? I'm somehow doubtful that it's anything serious.
    • kobe
      kobe over 13 years
      is the above code written by you or its there like that??
    • kobe
      kobe over 13 years
      while giving dynamic values in between strings we use somethinglike var finalval= dynamic1 + "test" + dynamic2
    • Joko Wandiro
      Joko Wandiro over 13 years
      @another programmer write like this and it works, it reference to variable like in the for loop statement
  • KovBal
    KovBal over 14 years
    It doesn't list anything during the install.
  • KovBal
    KovBal over 14 years
    Revo can't uninstall it. At least I couldn't find a way. Fortunately, it doesn't pollute the filesystem so there's no need for Everything.
  • Joko Wandiro
    Joko Wandiro over 13 years
    +i+ not + ( i can't understand it coz it reference to variable who declare on top of script
  • nico
    nico over 13 years
    @Joko Wandiro: It's not incrementing i, it's concatenating it to two different strings. 'a' + i + 'b' evaluates to 'a0b' or 'a1b' or 'a55b', depending on the value of i
  • Gerald
    Gerald over 7 years
    "Remember, you must have already deleted Toribash out of the Recycling Bin." I don't know what this means. If it's something you should have already done, why doesn't it appear earlier in the list of things to do?
  • Jarmund
    Jarmund over 7 years
    I used to work with Toribash, and I can confirm this. Loads of .rpl files (replays) and .tif files (head textures), but they all reside in the main directory (or its subdirectories). As of version 3.0 or thereabouts, Toribash didn't use the registry at all, and I don't see any reason why it would do this now.