How to unzip only the first few lines of a zip archive?


This simple pipe-script works for me:

zcat | head -n 10


  • zcat - unpacks zip-archive and sends its contents to standard output
  • | pipes zcat output to head input
  • head -n 10 - shows first 10 lines from its standard input
yukashima huksay
Author by

yukashima huksay

Apparently, that user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • yukashima huksay
    yukashima huksay almost 2 years

    I have a zipped text file I want to read the first 10 lines of it. Is it possible to do that without unzipping the whole file?

  • yukashima huksay
    yukashima huksay over 6 years
    this unzips the whole file.
  • PerlDuck
    PerlDuck over 6 years
    @yukashima I'd guess it depends on the size of When head terminates (after printing 10 lines) the zcat (which is gzip -dc behind the scenes) should receive a SIGPIPE and stop unzipping.
  • Xen2050
    Xen2050 over 6 years
    @yukashimahuksay How do you know it unzips the whole file? I think all zip files keep the file list at the end of the archive, maybe it's just reading the whole file but not actually unzipping it
  • user27164
    user27164 almost 4 years
    I can confirm by example that it does not unzip the whole file as intended. zcat | head -10 prints the first 10 lines immediately. A full unzip would take ca. 10 minutes.