How to update the maven version without pom backup files


Solution 1

To prevent creating backup files, use generateBackupPoms instead:

mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=3.9.0-SNAPSHOT

I also saw that you can set up generateBackupPoms in the plugin section of a pom.xml if you want to do it that way.

Note if you are using eclipse, you can run the command using a run configuration like this:

enter image description here

See also:

Solution 2

After mvn versions:set, run the command mvn versions:commit.

All of the pom backups will be deleted.

Solution 3

mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false deletes the backups and will also ask the new version to be set instead of passing the version in the command.

Author by


Hi, my name is Jess, I am an experienced software and app developer. I cut my teeth as a young dev writing logistics software in INFORMIX 4GL and later C++ and ASP.NET. I had a stint at IBM chip manufacturing developing in perl and node.js. Now I am writing web apps for energy efficiency in ASP.NET Core, EF, Bootstrap and various JS technologies. Faves: C#, ASP.NET, Bootstrap, Javascript, SQL, visual studio, git.

Updated on May 13, 2021


  • Jess
    Jess about 3 years

    How do you run maven with the versions plugin to update the version inside several pom.xml files and not get the annoying pom.xml.versionsBackup files? (I have my poms in version control, so I don't need a backup).

    I run this command to update the version:

    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=3.8.0-SNAPSHOT

  • kratenko
    kratenko over 8 years
    That helped, but a tip: with -DnewVersion=${string_prompt} eclipse presents a dialog for you to enter the version number, so you don't need to update your run configuration all the time (I also put the -D parameters to the Parameters further down, without the -D there). I think its much more convenient.
  • Jess
    Jess over 8 years
    Awesome @kratenko. I like it!
  • kratenko
    kratenko over 8 years
    only problem: if you hit cancel that prompt (escape), it still runs and does useless bogus. Would like to have a way to catch that cancel, but failed to find one. If anyone knows, please respond here.
  • Obaid
    Obaid over 8 years
    Awesome, would be nice to know if we can do this in Intellij too. I'll start searching.
  • lostintranslation
    lostintranslation almost 6 years
    Its not working on my jenkins machine. I am using -DgenerateBackupPoms=false but still backup poms are created. This is my command -> mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set \ -DnewVersion=\\\${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.\\\${parsedVer‌​sion.minorVersion}.\‌​\\${‌​xtIncrementalVersion‌​}-SNAPSHOT -DprocessAllModules -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
  • cbaldan
    cbaldan over 5 years
    In Eclipse, the newVersion=${string_prompt} will only work if you add in the Parameter section below, but it works.