How to use angular-ui-bootstrap (modals) in typescript?


Solution 1

The instance injected by angular will be of type ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService.

And since you are using "controller as" syntax, there is no need to start using $scope here, instead you can use resolve as shown in the angular-ui modal example.

Here's the example code:

class ItemsListController {
    static controllerId = 'ItemsListController';
    static $inject = ['$modal'];

    data = [
        { value1: 'Item1Value1', value2: 'Item1Value2' },
        { value1: 'Item2Value1', value2: 'Item2Value2' }

    constructor(private $modal: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService) { }

    edit(item) {
        var options: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalSettings = {
            templateUrl: 'modal.html',
            controller: ItemDetailController.controllerId + ' as modal',
            resolve: {
                item: () => item // <- this will pass the same instance 
                                 // of the item displayed in the table to the modal

            .then(updatedItem =>;
            //.then(_ =>; // <- this works the same way as the line above

    save(item) {
        console.log('saving', item);

class ItemDetailController {
    static controllerId = 'ItemDetailController';
    static $inject = ['$modalInstance', 'item'];

    constructor(private $modalInstance: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalServiceInstance, public item) { }

    save() {
        this.$modalInstance.close(this.item); // passing this item back 
                                              // is not necessary since it 
                                              // is the same instance of the 
                                              // item sent to the modal

    cancel() {

Solution 2

Am I right to assume that both ItemsListController and ItemDetailModalController need an instance of the same scope in order to exchange the data?

Yes. I actually think of modals as an extension of ItemsListController containing members shownDetails:ItemDetailModalController. Which means you don't need to come up with a messy way of sharing $scope as its just a single $scope.

And how can I define the controller and the template for the modal directive using the interfaces above?

This is what I have (note that you are sharing the scope):

                templateUrl: 'path/To/ItemModalDetails.html',
                scope: this.$scope,

Where $modal:IModalService corresponds to what angular strap gives you :

Author by


Updated on July 15, 2022


  • xvdiff
    xvdiff almost 2 years

    I'd like to edit some data from a table using a modal. There are various interfaces in the typescript definitions for angular-ui-bootstrap from definitelyTyped, however they are undocumented and I'm not able to find any examples on how to use them.

    • IModalScope
    • IModalService
    • IModalServiceInstance
    • IModalSettings
    • IModalStackService

    What I'd like to achieve is something like this:


    Am I right to assume that both ItemsListController and ItemDetailModalController need an instance of the same scope in order to exchange the data? And how can I define the controller and the template for the modal directive using the interfaces above?

    I already found this non-typescript example here:

    However, as a beginner I've got a hard time understanding what's going on if samples throw everything in one single file without separating the concerns.

  • xvdiff
    xvdiff over 9 years
    So does the controller actually configures/calls the modal? Isn't this breaking SOC?
  • basarat
    basarat over 9 years
    No. Its the same as doing error = "bad thing happened" from the controller. Controller drives the UI, just doesn't use $element
  • xvdiff
    xvdiff over 9 years
    Yes, I was really confused the first time I saw $element, though it seems very common in examples. I just thought there was a way to configure the modal on the HTML side. Well, guess everythings clear now (except for the DT interfaces)
  • basarat
    basarat over 9 years
    I am using a really old version (1.5 years old). The interfaces correspond to the new version of angular strap and I've updated the answer to reflect that. AKA The DT interfaces are correct.
  • user1829319
    user1829319 over 8 years
    Hi Juanjo, I like this style that you are using and I prefer it. However, I have some problems. I have posted my question in a separate post in here:…