how to use for each with mustache javascript?


data needs to be an array (see the enclosing [])

var data = [{
  "msg_id": "134",
  "message": "Nick",
  "comment": [{
    "com_id": "9",
    "comment": "test",
  }, {
    "com_id": "10",
    "comment": "testtt",
  }, {
    "com_id": "11",
    "comment": "testtttt",
}, {
  "msg_id": "134",
  "message": "Nick",
}, {
  "msg_id": "134",
  "message": "Nick",

is just this in mustache templates:

{{#data}}         //loop through all data
  {{message}}     //pick out the "message" per iteration
  {{#comment}}    //loop through all comments in an iterated item
    {{comment}}   //pick out the comment
Author by


spooky action at a distance

Updated on July 19, 2022


  • Patrioticcow
    Patrioticcow almost 2 years

    i have some json objects and some of them have some other objects inside them.

    if i leave only the json obj that don't have other obj inside them and then apply the template, everything goes well, i get, in this case 3 li elements.

    but if i grab the original json obj the results are a bit wired. I believe i need to do a each statement to iterate through each sub json obj from inside each main one

    maybe i am a bit confuse so here is some code.

    i have some json data like this:


    and i am trying to arive at something like this: Nick




    Nick Nick
  • i've created a template like this:

    function messagesTamplate(data)
        $.each(data, function(index, obj)
            msg += template.replace( /{{message}}/ig , obj.message );
            if(obj.comment) {
                $.each(obj.comment, function(key, val)
                   msg += template.replace( /{{comment}}/ig , val.comment );      
        return msg;

    then i just append this to the main ul.
