How To Use Interface as DataContract in WCF


I've created WCF Service with contract:

CompositeTypeServer GetDataUsingDataContract( CompositeTypeServer composite );

My CompositeTypeServer looks like this:

[DataContract( Namespace = "" )]
public class CompositeTypeServer
    public bool BoolValue { get; set; }

    public string StringValue { get; set; }

Then I've created client project with type CompositeTypeClient:

[DataContract( Namespace = "" )]
public class CompositeTypeClient
    public bool BoolValue { get; set; }

    public string StringValue { get; set; }

Then I've added the reference to my service and selected to reuse types. Everything worked like charm. I was able to use CompositeTypeClient on client side.

So the trick was to specify Namespace for DataContract so they would match on both client and service.

[DataContract( Namespace = "" )]

PS. I can provide full working VS solution on request.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • thr0w
    thr0w almost 2 years

    I need invoke webservice operations using standard wsdl, but data objects must be different in client and in the server.

    Using interfaces for data objects in a common library, making proxy classes for it in client and in server.

    Then, I'm declaring operation contract using the interface, but WCF don't recognize it.

    I yet tried use DataContractSerializerBehavior and set knownTypes, no success yet.

    Someone can help-me? I've attached a complete solution with more details.

    public interface Thing
       Guid Id {get;set;}
       String name {get;set;}
       Thing anotherThing {get;set;}
    public class ThingAtServer: BsonDocument, Thing // MongoDB persistence
       Guid Id {get;set;}
    public class ThingAtClient: Thing, INotifyPropertyChanged // WPF bindings
       Guid Id {get;set;}
    public interface MyService
      Thing doSomething(Thing input);

    Click here do see a Sample project on GitHub with TestCases