How to use related fields (fields.related) in odoo-8?


Solution 1

You should use a related field instead:

comment = fields.Char(related='partner_id.comment')

If you need to store it in your account_invoice record you also need to add the parameter store=True Problem is, this way you can't just print it but if you need to show it you need to put it into your view.

If you really need to print it temporarly you need to do this other way:

comment = fields.Char(compute='_compute_comment')

def _compute_comment(self):
    for record in self:
        record.comment = partner_id.comment
        print record.comment

Solution 2

Related Field

There is not anymore fields.related fields.

Instead you just set the name argument related to your model:

participant_nick = fields.Char(string='Nick name',

The type kwarg is not needed anymore.

Setting the store kwarg will automatically store the value in database. With new API the value of the related field will be automatically updated, sweet.

participant_nick = fields.Char(string='Nick name',


When updating any related field not all translations of related field are translated if field is stored!!

Chained related fields modification will trigger invalidation of the cache for all elements of the chain.

Solution 3

in odoo8

if need same object fields to related then you can use related="related field name " use store=True

comment2 = fields.Char(string='comment',related='comment', store=True)


Author by


Software Developer

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Kiran
    Kiran almost 2 years

    I am trying to retrieve comment field(customer internal notes) from res_partner to account invoice module.Right now I just want to print it later I will include it in xml code. I tried in three ways like this,

    1)comment2 = fields.Char(string='Comment',related='res_partner.comment',compute='_compute_com')
    def _compute_com(self):
        print self.comment2
    2)comment = fields.Many2one('res.partner','Comment',compute='_compute_com')
      def _compute_com(self):
        print self.comment
    3)partner_comment = fields.Char(compute='_compute_com')
     def _compute_com(self):
        Comment = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id).comment
        print Comment
  • Alessandro Ruffolo
    Alessandro Ruffolo over 8 years
    cool. Just remember to use the first solution when you don't need anymore to print it...