How to use starts-with() , contains() and ends-with() in XPath to find the xml node innertext? in XPATH 1.0


One possible way:

//Heading[starts-with(., 'Ethical') and ends-with(., 'consent')]

The ends-with() function is XPath 2.0. In XPath 1.0, it can be replaced using substring() and string-length(). Here is the equivalent XPath 1.0 (wrapped for readability):

            starts-with(., 'Ethical') 
            'consent' = substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('consent') +1)
Karuppa Samy
Author by

Karuppa Samy

Updated on June 15, 2020


  • Karuppa Samy
    Karuppa Samy about 4 years
       <Heading>Ethical standards and patient consent</Heading>
       <Heading>Ethical standards and patient</Heading>
       <Heading>standards and patient consent</Heading>

    I want to get the inner text with start from "Ethical" , contains "and " and end with "consent" in the Heading node.