how to use the subquery with in the case statement in mssql 2008


@Michael - thanks for the link to

Try this (untested, of course)

            WHEN ( (SELECT Count(*) 
                    FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
                    WHERE  meterid = @meterid) = 0 ) THEN 
            (SELECT emf 
             FROM   pseb.dbo.metermaster 
             WHERE  meterid = @meterid) 
            WHEN ( (SELECT Count(*) 
                    FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
                    WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
                           AND Dateadd(day, 1, @fromdate) < datetime) > 0 ) 
          THEN ( 
            TOP 1 oldvalue 
          meterid = @meterid 
          AND Dateadd(day, 1, @fromdate) < datetime 
          BY datetime) 
            ELSE (SELECT TOP 1 newvalue 
                  FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
                  WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
                         AND datetime < @fromdate 
                  ORDER  BY datetime DESC) 

@Saranya: if this doesn't work, how about setting up a test case on

Good luck!

Saranya Jothiprakasam
Author by

Saranya Jothiprakasam

I m always be unique

Updated on July 06, 2022


  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam almost 2 years

    I need to change the following procedure if else statement into a single query using the select case statement with the subquery...

     if((select COUNT(*) from pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails where meterid=@meterid)=0)
      select @emf=EMF from pseb.dbo.METERMASTER where MeterID=@meterid
      else  if((select COUNT(*) from pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails where meterid=@meterid and dateadd(day,1,@fromdate)<DateTime)>0) 
        select top 1 @emf=oldvalue from pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails  where MeterID=@meterid and dateadd(day,1,@fromdate)<datetime order by DateTime 
      select top 1 @emf=newvalue from pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails  where meterid=@meterid and DateTime<@fromdate order by DateTime desc

    meterattribute table structure as like this:

    AttributeID AttributeName   Oldvalue    newvalue    DateTime    meterid
    1           EMF         2.00000         4.00000        2012-07-05   4756
    1           EMF         4.00000         6.00000        2012-07-10   4756
    1           EMF         6.00000         8.00000        2012-07-15   4756
    1           EMF         8.00000        10.00000        2012-07-25   4756

    in that table datetime refers the emf changed date, if my input is '2012-07-17' means i have to fetch he newvalue for that particular date,,, in between the july 15-25 the emf value is 8.00000.

    I formatted your code using -- Michael

    IF( (SELECT Count(*) 
         FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
         WHERE  meterid = @meterid) = 0 ) 
      SELECT @emf = emf 
      FROM   pseb.dbo.metermaster 
      WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
    ELSE IF( (SELECT Count(*) 
         FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
         WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
                AND Dateadd(day, 1, @fromdate) < datetime) > 0 ) 
      SELECT TOP 1 @emf = oldvalue 
      FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
      WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
             AND Dateadd(day, 1, @fromdate) < datetime 
      ORDER  BY datetime 
      SELECT TOP 1 @emf = newvalue 
      FROM   pseb.dbo.meterattributedetails 
      WHERE  meterid = @meterid 
             AND datetime < @fromdate 
      ORDER  BY datetime DESC 
    • Narendra
      Narendra almost 12 years
      edited :). hope you can read it now.
    • whytheq
      whytheq almost 12 years
      +1 @AaronBertrand ... I shouldn't encourage you