How to zoom in and out of text in Gedit?


Solution 1


  1. Under EditPreferencesPlugins, you can tick the Text Size box and zoom in with ctrl++.

    • Click on gedit-plugins Install gedit-plugins to install the Gedit plugins.

    • You can also manually download/install the plugin.

  2. ctrl+Trackpad scroll (up/down) enables you, to zoom in and out as well, not only within gEdit, but also in your Webbrowser, File System etc.

Both possibilities work just fine in Ubuntu 11.10.

Update information for Ubuntu 17.x.x, 18.x.x and later, as suggested by code_dredd - tested and works:

sudo apt-get install -y gedit-plugin-text-size

enter image description here

Solution 2

enter image description hereYou can change the fontsize in the preferences menu under the fonts tab


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Yunfeng Xi
Author by

Yunfeng Xi

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Yunfeng Xi
    Yunfeng Xi over 1 year

    I am using Ubuntu 11.10. This seems to be an easy question, yet I cannot find an answer anywhere.

    On pre-unity Ubuntu, I was using gedit-zoom plugin to zoom text in editor window in/out, either with Ctrl++/-, or by holding Ctrl+ scrolling mouse-wheel. The same plugin does not seem to work in Ubuntu 11.10.

    Any way I can get text zooming capability?

    • Admin
      Admin about 12 years
      The functionality appears to be broken in 12.04. Ctrl+"-" and Ctrl+"0" work, while Ctrl+"+" and Ctrl+mousewheel do not.
  • jokerdino
    jokerdino over 12 years
    I don't have the plugin you mentioned in here.
  • v2r
    v2r over 12 years
    You can always install it (: You know how to..right!?
  • jokerdino
    jokerdino over 12 years
    That was a hint to tell you to add the part about installing the plugin. ;)
  • v2r
    v2r over 12 years
    indeed it was (: however doesn't seem to work right now, but you can also type in "gedit" in "Ubuntu Software Center" and add plugins from there.
  • jokerdino
    jokerdino over 12 years
    I edited the answer a bit. I hope you don't mind.
  • v2r
    v2r over 12 years
    No, not at all!
  • Oki Erie Rinaldi
    Oki Erie Rinaldi about 8 years
    Maybe this is the only 'official' way. But, we are always looking for the fastest way, aren't we?
  • ocean800
    ocean800 almost 8 years
    Thanks this worked for me since I don't have the plugin! +1
  • code_dredd
    code_dredd over 7 years
    The post doesn't make this explicitly clear, so just in case someone's still lost, 1) open a terminal, 2) run the following command: sudo apt-get install -y gedit-plugins, and 3) enter your admin passphrase to proceed
  • v2r
    v2r over 7 years
    Hello Ray, thank you for pointing it out. That's standards procedure!
  • code_dredd
    code_dredd about 6 years
    These steps no longer work on Ubuntu 17.10. The gedit-plugins package does not include the gedit-plugin-text-size package with it. You now have to install the package manually: sudo apt-get install -y gedit-plugin-text-size.
  • code_dredd
    code_dredd about 6 years
    @v2r It's better to avoid some assumptions :) BTW, one of your URLs is broken, and it'd be beneficial if you could update your answer to reflect the most recent steps necessary to accomplish this. You can look at my previous comment for that.
  • v2r
    v2r about 5 years
    Thank you code_dredd! I added your suggestion to my original answer. Both links are working fine now: Sunday, May 5th 2019; 9:42:37 AM
  • robm
    robm over 2 years
    10 years old, and this answer went from being right, to being (slightly) wrong, back to being right again (in Ubuntu 21.10).
  • user2279952
    user2279952 over 2 years
    Worked perfectly for me on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, thank you!