How would you code a washing machine?


Solution 1

I think that turnOn(), wash(), centerfuge() etc. should be private/protected methods. The public interface should be doTheWash(WashMode mode). The washing machine itself knows the modes it supports and how to make them work, the user of the washing machine need not get involved with the order or duration of operations. It is reasonable to expect the author of the washing machine class to call the private methods in a sensible order.

Solution 2

I'd have a 'high level' State Machine class which controls the entry/running/exit of each state (where states could be things like 'filling', 'washing', 'rinse', 'emptying', 'spin dry', etc)

Draw up a State Transition Diagram of all the states you need, including (for each state)

  1. what requirements there are before you enter the state (entry conditions)
  2. what needs to happen when you enter the state (entry actions)
  3. what happens during the state (the task itself)
  4. what requirements there are before you can leave the state (exit conditions)
  5. what happens when you exit the state (exit actions)

You may or may not need the entry/exit conditions (e.g. you can force the conditions with an entry/exit action in some cases). For safety reasons though, some conditions can be good (e.g. exiting from a 'standby' state or entry into a 'dangerous' state like spin dry)

You also create Transitions, which define the links between states. A transition has

  1. a 'from' state
  2. a 'to' state
  3. transition conditions (can the transition happen?
  4. transition actions (what needs to happen when you transition)

Again, you may not need all of these, and many transitions will have only the 'from' and 'to' states specified.

In both cases, try to keep each State and Transition as simple as it needs to be (try to put the conditions/actions where they make the most sense, obviously there's potential double-up of these to be defined in a State and a Transition because of the generic design)

It should be pretty obvious at this point that you can make a fairly generic State class which includes abstract/overloadable functions for all of these things, and likewise for the Transition class. The State Machine class can call each of these member functions as required, based on the transitions requested of it.

If you make it especially generic, then the States and Transitions can be registered with the State Machine at construction time, or you might just code the State Machine to contain them all.

You can then request transitions, either from within states (i.e. a particular state can know when it has ended, and know which state to go to next) or you could have an external class which controls the state transitions (each state is then very simple, purely taking care of its own actions, and the external class decides the order and timing of transitions).

In my experience with these things, it's a good idea to separate the high level logic of deliberate order/timing of each action and the low level logic of reaction to some hardware event (e.g. transition out of the 'filling' state when the water level is reached).

It's a really generic design though, and you can achieve exactly the same functionality a bunch of different ways -- there's rarely a single right way of doing things...

Solution 3

Most western washing machines use a timer to move from cycle to cycle. This timer can be thought of as a state machine of sorts. However, it's important to realize that a wasching machine runs itself, not the user. The user sets the initial mode, and then it goes on about its business.

So internally, you may have Wash, Rinse, Spin private functions, the actual interface would be SetCycle() and Start() and Stop(). You may also have some additional properties, like Water Level, Agitation Speed, Water Temperature, etc...

Start causes the time to advance, which after a period of time enters the next state, until finally it is complete.

Solution 4

Every washing machine has a controller and a program. For older and simple machines, program and controller are integrated into a rather complicated knob, modern and more expensive machines have a computer.

In either case, the machine has additional subsystems and the controller notifies the subsystems to perform some action, like lock the door, heat water until 40°C or spin the drum.

The Controller itself knows the sequence, which is pretty linear and timer based for old machines or complex for modern systems which vary the sequence based on sensor data. But in either case it executes a series of commands which may notify sensors and actors.

If you look at the washing system from this perspective, you may want to make use of the Command pattern inside the controller to model the washing program and of the Observer pattern for notifying the subsystems (Like: The door switch listens to the controller for a signal to lock the door).

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Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Dan
    Dan about 2 years

    Imagine I have a class that represents a simple washing machine. It can perform following operations in the following order: turn on -> wash -> centrifuge -> turn off. I see two basic alternatives:

    1. I can have a class WashingMachine with methods turnOn(), wash(int minutes), centrifuge(int revs), turnOff(). The problem with this is that the interface says nothing about the correct order of operations. I can at best throw InvalidOprationException if the client tries to centrifuge before machine was turned on. I can also use a separete Program class that will pass centrifuge revs and wash minutes to the WashingMachine and will simplify these methods.

    2. I can let the class itself take care of correct transitions and have the single method nextOperation(). The problem with this on the other hand, is that the semantics is poor. Client will not know what will happen when he calls the nextOperation(). Imagine you implement the centrifuge button’s click event so it calls nextOperation(). User presses the centrifuge button after machine was turned on and ups! machine starts to wash. I will probably need a few properties on my class to parameterize operations, or maybe a separate Program class with washLength and centrifugeRevs fields, but that is not really the problem.

    Which alternative is better? Or maybe there are some other, better alternatives that I missed to describe?

  • Erik Funkenbusch
    Erik Funkenbusch about 14 years
    While that's nice, it doesn't really model the real behavior of a washing machine. The user (on most models) can't typically choose the order and length of states, though they can usually choose between several cycle templates. Although, I suppose your ExampleRun could be a cycle template that is chosen.
  • Adam Gent
    Adam Gent about 14 years
    @Mystere Man The point is the states are immutable objects and only the states know which is the next state. I'm pretty sure for a Washer you could get this to work.
  • Andreas Dolk
    Andreas Dolk about 14 years
    nothing against pattern and code, it really looks good! And the OP asked for a solution for a simple state machine. Just for the real world - modern machines vary the program, for example based on measuring the quality of the used water - like: if it's to dirty, wash again. That would introduce conditions and branches.
  • harschware
    harschware about 14 years
    I think this is a great answer! I would add that I find it useful to think of the UI running within a thread and the Washing machine states/transitions/work running in another. Also, one could use your States as nodes, and Transitions as edges (rather than having Transition compose 'from' and 'to' state) in a graph structure. This would allow things like enumerating 'to' states for a given node. I like using JUNG for graph structures.
  • drfrogsplat
    drfrogsplat about 14 years
    yep, nodes/edges is basically the same idea, like i said the design is pretty generic, so whether Transitions have 'from' and 'to' states, or whether States have a list of available Transitions isn't too important, there's a lot of ways these can be implemented