href overrides ng-click in Angular.js


Solution 1

You should probably just use a button tag if you don't need a uri.

Solution 2

This example from the angular documentation site just does href without even assigning it to an empty string:

[<a href ng-click="colors.splice($index, 1)">X</a>]

Solution 3

You can simply prevent the default behavior of the click event directly in your template.

<a href="#" ng-click="$event.preventDefault();logout()" />

Per the angular documentation,

Directives like ngClick and ngFocus expose a $event object within the scope of that expression.

Solution 4

Here is another solution :

<a href="" ng-click="logout()">Sign out</a>

i.e. Just remove the # from the href attribute

Solution 5

Just one more hint. If you need real URL (to support browser accessibility) you can do the following:


<a ng-href="{{link}}" ng-click="$event.preventDefault(); linkClicked(link)">{{link}}</a>


$scope.linkClicked = function(link){
    // your code here

In this way your code in linkClicked() will have chance to execute before navigating to the link

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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Paul
    Paul almost 2 years

    When both, href and ng-click attributes are defined:

    <a href="#" ng-click="logout()">Sign out</a>

    the href attribute takes precedence over ng-click.

    I am looking for a way to raise priority of ng-click.

    href is required for Twitter Bootstrap, I can't remove it.

  • Geoff
    Geoff about 11 years
    Yes, if you can elaborate on how Twitter Bootstrap requires it, maybe I can help more.
  • Sindre
    Sindre almost 11 years
    For the question asked, this should be the solution. Worked on Angular 1.1.5 as well
  • duckegg
    duckegg over 10 years
    It seems <a href="" ng-click=""> will prevent the ng-click in Android 2.3.x browser. I finally use <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="">
  • Jiří Vypědřík
    Jiří Vypědřík over 10 years
    Duckegg's suggestion is the best one
  • Rhys van der Waerden
    Rhys van der Waerden almost 10 years
    When I try this all of the links appear to be visited, which is not the behaviour I'm after. The other way (href="#") causes a page reload, which is also wrong.
  • Darrrrrren
    Darrrrrren over 9 years
    How does this work with search engines? I am using AngularJS routing and need to maintain state in a service so for all of my internal application links I use $location, but removing href make it impossible for search engines to follow along the site.
  • Juampy NR
    Juampy NR about 9 years
    This makes IE9 not to show a hand cursor. Using href="" solves it.
  • thenetimp
    thenetimp almost 9 years
    @juampy, the hand over the link can be handled with CSS. This answer given is the official AngularJS way to do it.
  • Tom Grant
    Tom Grant over 8 years
    This is a great solution. If you have an href, you can right click to open it in a new tab, but on left click it calls ng-click. Exactly what I was looking for
  • Jim109
    Jim109 over 8 years
    Works, the link doesn't change your url and isn't marked as visited. Best answer!
  • Exocom
    Exocom over 8 years
    This solution works and only changes the left click behaviour, right click stays intact (context menu), including the possibility to a link in href. So that is a more general solution compared to TooMuchTenacious, which actually answers the question more directly.
  • sheriffderek
    sheriffderek about 8 years
    The # will get treated like hash link.
  • sheriffderek
    sheriffderek about 8 years
    buttons can't have other element inside them, so for styling, you wouldn't want to do that - if you need things inside of it.
  • Jay Jay Jay
    Jay Jay Jay about 8 years
    Once again an excellent answer. Both left and right click work
  • Jason Maggard
    Jason Maggard about 8 years
    Worked great for allowing Bootstrap carousel controls without triggering routing. Thanks!
  • Marios Fakiolas
    Marios Fakiolas almost 8 years
    <a href="javscript:void(0)" ng-click="logout()">Sign out</a> will serve you well too
  • Guilherme Iazzetta
    Guilherme Iazzetta over 6 years
    Perfect! I can continue with links and get more index in Google and use ng-click to call in Ajax. Thanks.
  • Josue Rocha
    Josue Rocha over 6 years
    Great solution, quick and useful. Thanks!
  • Naila Akbar
    Naila Akbar over 4 years
    You saved me.. Thanks a lot.