html2canvas wait for images to load


So since you're using remotes images you can use the following fix doing some modifications in your script:

function getPNGBase64forHtml() {
    var imageString;

    html2canvas(document.body, {
        useCORS: true,
        logging : true, //Enable log (use Web Console for get Errors and Warnings)
        proxy :"html2canvasproxy.php",
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
            var img = new Image();
            img.onload = function() {
                img.onload = null;

            img.onerror = function() {
                img.onerror = null;
                if(window.console.log) {
                    window.console.log("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");
                } else {
                    alert("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");

            imageString = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

    return imageString;

If you are using php then the proxy setting must use the following script: html2canvas-php-proxy

Otherwise with .NET projects you can use these script resources:

html2canvas proxy with asp-classic - vb html2canvas proxy with - csharp

If you decided to use local images this bug will not appear.

Hope it works for you, here is the original thread for this html2canvas bug

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Cserny
    Cserny almost 2 years

    I'm having this problem for some time ow and I can't seem to find a solution.

    I'm using the latest html2canvas js plugin to take a screenshot of chart made with flotcharts and then submit the base64 screenshot via a hidden input. The problem is the div with the chart also has some images and html2canvas return a base64 string before the images are loaded. I can put a setTimeout on the submit untill they are loaded but apparently chrome opens the page where I submitted as a popup (which is really not ok cause our clients don't know how allow popups). So this is what I tried but the images are not preloaded (because of the async nature of html2canvas)

    function getPNGBase64forHtml($container) {
        var imageString;
        html2canvas($container, {
            useCORS: true,
            onrendered: function(canvas) {
                imageString = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
        return imageString;

    And also this (this works ok but it doesn't load the images in time):

    function getPNGBase64forHtml($container) {
        var h2canvas = html2canvas($container);
        var queue = h2canvas.parse();
        var canvas = h2canvas.render(queue);
        return canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

    So the problem is with waiting till the images are loaded in html2canvas then exeuting the rest of my stuff. If anyone can please help, that would be very much appreciated, I bow to you kind sirs and madams! :)


    Here is the html of the part that I capture, this all is in a print-container div thats all. The arrow (only one is showed) in the timeline-prognose doesn't get captured cause it's a image, everything else does:

    <div id="timeline-outer-container">
        <div id="timeline-container" class="flot-container">
            <div id="timeline-chart" class="flot-chart">
                <canvas class="flot-base" width="888" height="335" ></canvas>
                <div class="flot-text" >
                    <div class="flot-x-axis flot-x1-axis xAxis x1Axis">
                        <div class="flot-tick-label tickLabel" >Q1</div>
                        <div class="flot-tick-label tickLabel">Q2</div>
                    <div class="flot-y-axis flot-y1-axis yAxis y1Axis">
                        <div class="flot-tick-label tickLabel">75</div>
                        <div class="flot-tick-label tickLabel">100</div>
                <canvas class="flot-overlay" width="888" height="335"></canvas>
                <div class="axis-label xaxis">Zeitraum</div>
                <div class="axis-label yaxis rotate-90">Anzahl</div>
                <div id="zoom-out-button" class="timeline-zoom-button"><i class="fa fa-zoom-out"></i></div>
                <div id="zoom-in-button" class="timeline-zoom-button"><i class="fa fa-zoom-in"></i></div>
                <div id="zoom-default-button" class="timeline-zoom-button"><i class="fa fa-repeat"></i></div>
    <div id="timeline-prognose">
        <img id="timeline-arrow-up" class="timeline-arrows" src="/portal//images/arrows/up.png" alt="">
        <img id="timeline-arrow-down" class="timeline-arrows" src="/portal//images/arrows/down.png" alt="">
  • Cserny
    Cserny over 9 years
    the images are local, the usecors flag is not necessary, i was just testing some stuf, so the problem is i need to wait for the images or preload them somehow
  • Grungondola
    Grungondola over 7 years
    setting the canvas handling in the onrendered variable tells it to process it after rendering all of the images. I use this library the same way as in this answer.