Html5 form element "required" on iPad/iPhone doesn't work


Solution 1

It's not supported in iOS yet: when can I use: required.

Solution 2

This is a jQuery solution to the issue, it highlights the input fields that have failed in a pinky colour too.

    var required = $('[required="true"]'); // change to [required] if not using true option as part of the attribute as it is not really needed.
    var error = false;

    for(var i = 0; i <= (required.length - 1);i++)
        if(required[i].value == '') // tests that each required value does not equal blank, you could put in more stringent checks here if you wish.
            required[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(255,155,155)';
            error = true; // if any inputs fail validation then the error variable will be set to true;     

    if(error) // if error is true;
        return false; // stop the form from being submitted.

Solution 3

Since iOS 10.3 this atrributes are supported. Also e-mail type require writing the @ symbol and so on...

Solution 4

If you are already using jQuery, Modernizr, and yepnope, this is one way to deal with it. If you aren't then this will add a lot of extra javascript.

My solution

Solution 5

I guess you can do something before the submit action like this

<form name="myForm" action="valid.html" onsubmit="checkValid()" method="post">
  ... ...

after pressing submit button, checkValid() is evoked before it actually submits. a return value of truewill continue the submit action.

refer to this post for further explanation.:)

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • SongBox
    SongBox almost 2 years

    iPad safari is supposed to be html5 compliant, but it seems that the required element doesn't work. Anyone know why, or have a decent workaround that doesn't require a ton of JavaScript?

    My code

    <input type=email class=input placeholder="Email" name="email" required>
  • Gup3rSuR4c
    Gup3rSuR4c over 8 years
    Shame on Apple x1000! It has been 3 years, 6 months, and 4 days (as of this post) since this was asked and Apple still hasn't implemented it. The arrogance is incredible. Applesoft 2.0...
  • Arman Hayots
    Arman Hayots over 8 years
    February 2016th, Apple still sucks.
  • SongBox
    SongBox about 8 years
    I just saw that I have received the "famous question" badge for this question being viewed over 10,000 times. Apple STILL does not support html5 form validation on iOS or OSX. It's almost unbelievable.
  • phpawy
    phpawy over 7 years
    your solution is great. I customized it to validate current form only, if you have more than one form on the page, by modifying second line as follow: codevar required = $('[required="true"]', this);code
  • mickburkejnr
    mickburkejnr over 7 years
    September 2016, iPhone 7 released, iOS 10 released, and still not working. Well done Apple!
  • NinjaOnSafari
    NinjaOnSafari over 7 years
    Is there any statement from apple?
  • Aerious
    Aerious over 7 years
    This is Jan 2017, still not working... shame on apple :(
  • GeniusDesign
    GeniusDesign about 7 years
    It´s the end of March 2017.. and Apple is still clueless. Are they not aware of this problem??
  • Ian Devlin
    Ian Devlin about 7 years
    As the link shows, Safari 10.1 and iOS 10.3 (both relesed on 27.03.2017) support the required attribute.
  • Patrice Poliquin
    Patrice Poliquin about 7 years
    I can confirm that as May 2017, I am working on a project with the required tag and we tested it on iPhone and it ignored it and the form posted empty data.
  • ldam
    ldam over 5 years
    This will be done on the server side. The required attribute is built into the browser and prevent your browser from sending incomplete content. In other words, the idea is to prevent PHP (in your case) from ever needing to validate that (even though you actually should do it anyway).