I installed a 64-bit OS in a 32-bit processor


Solution 1

If you installed a 64-bit OS your CPU is necessarily 64-bit capable. In a 32-bit only processor the 64-bit installer not even starts.

In lscpu output CPU op-mode(s):32-bit, 64-bit means your CPU is both 32-bit and 64-bit capable. Architecture: x86_64 is the current kernel architecture (64-bit).

You can also check 64-bit support running:

grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo

If it outputs nothing you have a 32-bit CPU. If it outputs something like flags : blah blah lm blah blah blah your CPU supports Long Mode (AKA 64-bit).

Solution 2

From your output it is clear that you have a 64bit CPU. The line CPU op-mode(s):32-bit, 64-bit means that you have a 64bit CPU.

Therefore there is no problem using a 64bit OS.

Solution 3

Looks like you experienced the same surprise I did a few years ago.

I accidentally put a 64-bit Ubuntu CD in my laptop and installed it, and a bit later I realised "Wait a moment.... I thought my laptop was a 32-bit system?"

If the 64-bit version works on your system, then that means your system is actually a 64-bit system, rather than a 32-bit one as you used to think ;)

Solution 4

Your processor is actually 64-bit processor as this line states:

Architecture: x86_64

If it has been 32-bit, you couldn't have installed a 64-bit OS in the first place. Don't worry, your PC will work just fine.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Vandervals
    Vandervals almost 2 years

    Initially I was trying to change the look of a textarea when it was empty with just CSS. I thought this would work, but as you can see when writing something and clicking the button, the values are different. Does anyone know of a solution for doing this width CSS or JS is required? Could that be possible with an input??

    var area = document.querySelector("textarea");
    var btn = document.querySelector("button");
    btn.addEventListener("click", function() {
      var value = area.value;
      var attr_value = area.getAttribute("value");
      alert("value: " + value + "\nattr value: " + attr_value);
    textarea {
      background: red;
      transition: background 0.5s ease;
    textarea[value=""] {
      background: gray;
    <textarea value="Here I am"></textarea>
    <button>Click me!</button>

    • Mitch
      Mitch almost 11 years
      According to the lscpu, your Processor is 64bit.
    • Marilou
      Marilou almost 11 years
      if you have 32 bit processor, 64bit OS will not even install
    • JustinC
      JustinC almost 11 years
      Pentium F4 or Pentium D which are both Intel 64 – NetBurst microarchitecture (according to the CPU Family 15, Model 4 information). The D was a dual core processor, so that's probably not yours.
    • user
      user almost 11 years
      Very few, if any, PCs (and I am using that term broadly here) sold in the last several years have CPUs that are not 64-bit capable. And as has been pointed out in answers, your CPU is 64-bit capable, as evidenced both by the output quoted as well as the fact that it works at all.
    • Admin
      Admin about 10 years
      How to install ubuntu 14.04 from USB does it reqires SWAP..??
    • Jaromanda X
      Jaromanda X almost 9 years
      textarea doesn't have a value attribute - input does - is that what you thought you were doing?
    • vsync
      vsync over 4 years
      You need to access the property and not the attribute. very different things. Always prefer accessing properties an not attributes, if possible.
  • Eric Carvalho
    Eric Carvalho almost 11 years
    Actually Architecture: x86_64 means there is a 64-bit kernel running. The CPU architecture is shown in line CPU op-mode(s). Of course, a 64-bit kernel wouldn't run in a 32-bit only CPU, so this answer is not wrong.
  • Adnan
    Adnan almost 11 years
    I did the grep "lm" /proc/cpuinfo and I got flags blah blah lm blah blah, thus satisfying your check.
  • Tom Marthenal
    Tom Marthenal almost 11 years
    A lot of times laptops with 64-bit-capable CPUs come with a 32-bit OS anyway (since they often have too little memory for 64-bit to be very useful). This is probably the source of the confusion.
  • That Brazilian Guy
    That Brazilian Guy almost 11 years
    There's no blah on my flags. Should I worry?
  • Eric Carvalho
    Eric Carvalho almost 11 years
    @ruda.almeida blah = "a lot of flags you don't need to worry about". lm is the flag that tells you have a 64-bit CPU.
  • kieranpotts
    kieranpotts almost 9 years
    Correct. <input> controls DO have value attributes. <select>s do not, but <option> elements can also be given (optional) value attributes.
  • SK.
    SK. almost 9 years
    <textarea> has value property. Look at developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLTextAreaElement
  • kieranpotts
    kieranpotts almost 9 years
    Mike, you're mistaking properties for attributes. <textarea> elements, as represented in the DOM by HTMLTextAreaElement instances, have value properties. But <textarea> tags do not have value attributes in their markup.
  • SK.
    SK. almost 9 years
    Yes you are right. There is not attribute like value from <textarea>. Verified here : w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/textarea
  • Vandervals
    Vandervals almost 9 years
    Just to make sure: in case it was an input, this would work as expected?
  • kieranpotts
    kieranpotts almost 9 years
    Vandervals: yes, it would work if you swapped the <textarea> for say an <input type="text"> control.
  • kieranpotts
    kieranpotts almost 9 years
    Haaa. You are right. Sorry, Vandervals. There is a difference. So, even on an input control, the value property will fetch the current value, as edited by the user. But getAttribute('value') will get the original DEFAULT value as defined in the markup with the value attribute: value="Default value". So, if an input control is given a default value, then the user changes it, the value property and getAttribute('value') will return different things. Does that make sense? Sorry, wasn't thinking...
  • Vandervals
    Vandervals almost 9 years
    So, let me see if I get it: for inputs, at the begining attribute value and value are the same, if the user changes it, then it will only update the value, but not attribute value, correct?