I need to debug PHP. What is my best choice?


Solution 1

XDebug provides step-by-step debugging, and can be used with eclipse PDT, netbeans and even vim. You really should give it a try. There also is Zend Debugger.

Solution 2

You can install PHP IDE with debugging facilities. It will help you to debug your PHP code step-by-step.

Few popular which has this feature:

For more advanced solution, you can install XDebug extension manually for PHP.

By default when XDebug is loaded, it should show you automatically the backtrace in case of any fatal error. Or you trace into file (xdebug.auto_trace) to have a very big backtrace of the whole request or do the profiling (xdebug.profiler_enable) or other settings. If the trace file is too big, you can use xdebug_start_trace() and xdebug_stop_trace() to dump the partial trace.


Using PECL:

pecl install xdebug

On Linux:

sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug

On Mac (with Homebrew):

brew tap josegonzalez/php
brew search xdebug

Example of mine configuration:


; Extensions
; zend_extension="/YOUR_PATH/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/xdebug.so"
; zend_extension="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.20/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/xdebug.so" ; MAMP

; Data
xdebug.show_exception_trace=1       ; bool: Show a stack trace whenever an exception is raised.
xdebug.collect_vars = 1             ; bool: Gather information about which variables are used in a certain scope.
xdebug.show_local_vars=1            ; int: Generate stack dumps in error situations.
xdebug.collect_assignments=1        ; bool: Controls whether Xdebug should add variable assignments to function traces.
xdebug.collect_params=4             ; int1-4: Collect the parameters passed to functions when a function call is recorded.
xdebug.collect_return=1             ; bool: Write the return value of function calls to the trace files.
xdebug.var_display_max_children=256 ; int: Amount of array children and object's properties are shown.
xdebug.var_display_max_data=1024    ; int: Max string length that is shown when variables are displayed.
xdebug.var_display_max_depth=3      ; int: How many nested levels of array/object elements are displayed.
xdebug.show_mem_delta=0             ; int: Show the difference in memory usage between function calls.

; Trace
xdebug.auto_trace=0                 ; bool: The tracing of function calls will be enabled just before the script is run.
xdebug.trace_output_dir="/var/log/xdebug" ; string: Directory where the tracing files will be written to.
xdebug.trace_output_name="%H%R-%s-%t"     ; string: Name of the file that is used to dump traces into.

; Profiler
xdebug.profiler_enable=0            ; bool: Profiler which creates files read by KCacheGrind.
xdebug.profiler_output_dir="/var/log/xdebug"  ; string: Directory where the profiler output will be written to.
xdebug.profiler_output_name="%H%R-%s-%t"      ; string: Name of the file that is used to dump traces into.
xdebug.profiler_append=0            ; bool: Files will not be overwritten when a new request would map to the same file.

xdebug.cli_color=1                  ; bool: Color var_dumps and stack traces output when in CLI mode.

; Remote debugging
xdebug.remote_enable=off            ; bool: Try to contact a debug client which is listening on the host and port.
xdebug.remote_autostart=off         ; bool: Start a remote debugging session even GET/POST/COOKIE variable is not present.
xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp          ; select: php3/gdb/dbgp: The DBGp protocol is the only supported protocol.
xdebug.remote_host=localhost        ; string: Host/ip where the debug client is running.
xdebug.remote_port=9000             ; integer: The port to which Xdebug tries to connect on the remote host.
xdebug.remote_mode=req              ; select(req,jit): Selects when a debug connection is initiated.
xdebug.idekey="xdebug-cli"          ; string: IDE Key Xdebug which should pass on to the DBGp debugger handler.
xdebug.remote_log="/var/log/xdebug.log" ; string: Filename to a file to which all remote debugger communications are logged.
Author by


Nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus.

Updated on July 14, 2020


  • Artemix
    Artemix almost 4 years

    I'm working on a web site under a Linux environment (Debian). I'm not an expert at Linux but I can handle it, and the website is made using PHP, MySQL, HTML, etc.

    The thing is, I'm using PHP for the server side. Right now, for testing, I installed Apache on my PC so I can test everything. But, it would be great if I could debug the PHP code. So far, I didn't need it, but now the code is getting larger, it's a must.

    So far, I'm using vim and everything is fine, but, how can I debug PHP in my case? What tools should I install? Are they free?

    Basically, I need to know what would be the best choice in my situation.