Icinga-web doesn't update when i change configuration


In my case, there were two changes that needed to be made.

1) /etc/default/icinga needs to be configured so that IDO2DB will run:

# start ido2db daemon (no/yes)

2) The IDO module needs to be defined in /etc/icinga/modules/


define module {
    module_name    ido_mod
    path           /usr/lib/icinga/idomod.so
    module_type    neb
    args           config_file=/etc/icinga/idomod.cfg

The previous config file will, of course, need to match how your system is configured. The above is being used on an Ubuntu 12.10 server.

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I started learning programming at a very young age. I remember the first time I saw my father make a small program for the C64, it just blew my mind that you could do something like that. Sure, it was only some silly basic example he copied from a book, but I clearly remember the feeling of my curiosity-meter as it went of the charts. From there on my curiosity grew to become more about computers in general. I guess I grew up being a total geek. ;) Later on I picked up QBasic then VB and ASP and from there I moved on to .NET first as a VB.NET developer but then my current job forced me to change to C# and I haven't looked back since. What I like the most about being a developer is that you never stop having to learn new techniques, technologies etc.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • JohannesH
    JohannesH almost 2 years

    So I've just installed Icinga and Icinga-Web. And everything looked ok when first inspecting the UI's on http://[server]/icinga/ and http://[server]/icinga-web/...

    I went on and added some new hosts, services, commands, etc. and reloaded the icinga service, without problems. Then I flushed the icinga-web cache and restarted the apache2 service, again no problems.

    After reloading the configuration, all of the new hosts and services shows up just fine, in the old icinga UI, and the checks are running perfectly, well almost ;) (see below).

    Old Icinga UI Status

    However, in the new icinga-web interface it's a completely different story. The icinga-web UI still shows the hosts from the initial configuration (a single 'localhost' host with 8 services). The UI also shows the 'default' instance as being 'down' in the header status, and that 'the data is X minutes old' (see below).

    New Icinga-Web UI Status

    I've tried retracing my steps, by re-reading the icinga-web installation guide, but I can't figure out what I've done wrong or how to correct it. I've also tried to fiddle with the access.xml and databases.xml configuration files.

    What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?

    • shakalandy
      shakalandy over 12 years
      Which Version of Icinga do you use? Build from source? What about icinga-web? Recent (1.6.0?) Did you check the rights of your user?
    • JohannesH
      JohannesH over 12 years
      I'm using icinga 1.5.1 with icinga-web 1.5.2. But I have fixed the problem. Turned out it was some service not running.
    • bshacklett
      bshacklett over 11 years
      JohannesH, I realize it was quite a while ago that you dealt with this, but do you remember what service was not running? I'm having the same trouble.
    • JohannesH
      JohannesH over 11 years
      I believe it was the database service.
  • ufk
    ufk almost 11 years
    thanks. installed icinga using this tut wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Setting+up+Icinga+Web+on+Ubun‌​tu and i was missing these instructions to get it to work