IIS7 ASP - Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed


I know that this is fairly basic - but did you start by making sure that in IIS has ASP installed? Classic ASP isn't installed by default on IIS7. Go to Programs and Features in Control Panel and click Turn Windows features on and off. Navigate down the tree of features and make sure ASP is checked.

If you haven't already gone down this path - it's probably the issue.

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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • YodasMyDad
    YodasMyDad over 1 year

    Getting a strange error for an old site I am trying to move to a new server - The new server is Win2008 64bit with IIS7.

    This site is working perfectly on an IIS6 Win2003 server, but I have just moved it over and run the site but I get the following error

    Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

    From looking around people seem to to just say enable 32 bit applications in the App pool and it will be fine? Unfortunately I did this and it didn't work? It seems to be falling over here

    'Open Database Connection
    function openDB()
        on error resume next
        set connTemp = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
        connTemp.Open connString
        if err.number <> 0 then
            dim errMsg
            errMsg = "" _
                & "<b>Module :</b> scripts/_INCappDBConn_.asp : openDB()<br /><br />" _
                & "<b>Number :</b> " & err.number & "<br /><br />" _
                & "<b>Page :</b> "   & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") & "<br /><br />" _
                & "<b>Desc :</b> "   & err.Description
            call errorDB("",errMsg)
        end if
        on error goto 0
        if UCase(dbLocked) = "Y" then
            call errorDB("<b>" & LangText("ErrStoreClosed","") & "</b>","")
        end if
    end function

    Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on what is going in?

  • Dave Holland
    Dave Holland over 14 years
    By the way, if this turns out to be the issue there are a few other things. You will need to add an application pool for classic ASP. When you create it set .Net Framework Version to "No Managed Code" and the Managed Pipeline mode to "Classic"... While "checking my work" on this I came across this article which may help you step by step: learn.iis.net/page.aspx/472/… Hope it helps!